- Математика II
- Моделирование в MatLab
Научные интересы
Численные решения краевых задач математической физики
Стипендиат Fulbright Visiting Scholar (2014-15), University of Kentucky Fellowship, KY, USA (2019-2020)
Список публикации
- Alekseyeva L.A., Alipova B., Dadaeva А .N., Zhanbyrbaev N.B. “BIE formulation for transient problems of thermoelastodynamic”, Int. J. Boundary Element Communication, 7 (1996), pp. 206-211.
- Alexeeva L.A., Alipova B. “Method of generalized functions for boundary problems of coupled thermoelastodynamics” Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (of Russian Academy of Sciences), 65 (2001), 2, pp. 334-345
- Alipova B. “Fundamental solutions of non-stationary equations for thermoelastic half-plane” Mathematical Journal of Institute of Mathematics of Ministry of Education and Sciences of RK, 3 (2003), N 1(7), pp. 63-67
- Alipova B. “The fundamental solutions and boundary integral equations of the coupled thermoelastodynamics”, 9th International Conference “Information Technologies and Management”, ISMA, 2011, Latvia.
- Alipova B., Kunakov S.K., Daineko Y. “Hydrodynamic of the Dust Storm of the Aral Sea on the base of Remote Sensing Data”, 8th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies - AICT2014, Kazakhstan, 2014. pp. 534-537. ISBN 987-1-4799-4120-92, IEEE Catalogue Number CFP1456H-PRT. (Engineering Index (EI) and EI Compendex and IEEE Xplore TM IEEE Catalogue Number CFP1456H-ART, ISBN 978-1-4799-4119-3).
- Tingting Tang, Alipova B., J. M. McDonough, “Optimal SOR parameters for non-Dirichlet elliptic boundary value problems” DCASS 2015 40th Annual Dayton-Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium of AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dayton-Cincinnati Section, Dayton, Ohio, March 4, 2015, www.aiaa-daycin.org/dcass
- Alipova B. “Fundamental Tensor of Tension of coupled Thermoelastodynamics in 2-D and 3-D cases”, Journal MESA, [S.l.], 7, 3 (2016), p. 513-524. ISSN 2041-3165 (print)
- Alexeyeva L.A., Alipova B., Dadayeva A.N. “Shock waves as generalized solutions of thermoelastodynamics equations. On the uniqueness of boundary value problems solutions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, ICNPAA, 2016, France, AIP, ISBN: 978-0-7354-1276-7, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4972595, 1798, 020003 (2017)
- Roman M. Khabibullin, Olga L. Starinova, Bakhyt Alipova, Maxim K. Fain, Hu Yudong. “The design of low thrust engine spacecraft for near - Earth asteroid exploration”, 6 th Russian - German Conference on Electric propulsion and Their Application, Proceedia Engineering, 185 (2017), pp. 404 – 410, 1877-7058, doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.322
- Alexeyeva L.A., Alipova B. “Boundary Integral Equations Of Dynamics Problems For Multi-Connected Thermoelastic Semi-Plane With A Free Boundary” Int.J. Comp. Meth. and Exp. Meas., 6 (2018) 1120-1126, Wessex University Press, New Forest, UK
- Chekashov A., Starinova O., Alipova B., Gorbunova I. “Modeling of solar sail surface oscillations during interplanetary flight”, IV International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology ITNT-2018, 25th Anniversary of the IPSI RAS - Branch of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS, p. 1478-1489, 24-27 April, 2018, Samara, Russia
- Alexeyeva L.A., Alipova B. “Simulation of wave dynamics of thermoelastic medium with crack”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2046, 020003 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5081523 ICNPAA World Congress 2018, American University of Armenia (AUA), Yerevan, Armenia, December 16-17, 2018
- Alexeyeva L.A., Alipova B. “Problem of dynamics of thermoelastic half-space by action of impulsed concentrated and distributed mass power sources and its solution”, Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference on “Actual problems of Informatics, Mechanics and Robotics, Digital Technologies in Mechanical Engineering”, October 4-5, 2018, Almaty, Kazakhstan, ISBN 978-601-80757-0-4, pp. 24-25
- Chekashov A. S., Gorbunova I. V., Starinova O. L., Alipova B. “Mathematical simulation of interplanetary flight: model of solar sail surface oscillations”, Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference Application of Information and Communication Technologies - AICT2018, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 17-19 October 2018, pp. 340-343.
- Alipova B., Nikolaeva E., Gorbunova I. V., Starinova O. L. “Simulation of Earth’s Protection by Solar Sail from Asteroid Hazard” Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference Application of Information and Communication Technologies - AICT2018, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 17-19 October 2018, pp. 385-389
- Bayan Sapargaliyeva, Bakhyt Alipova, Aigul Naukenova, Javier Rodrigo Ilarri, “Flame Distribution and Attenuation in Narrow Channels Using Mathematical Software”, Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J., 4, Issue 3, pp. 53-57, 2019, DOI: 10.25046/aj040308
- Olga Starinova, Bakhyt Alipova, Miroslav Rozhkov, Irina Chernyakina, “Modeling the process of optical characteristics variation for a solar sail surface during heliocentric flights”, V International Conference ITNT-2019, «Information Technology and Nanotechnology», 21-24 May 2019, Samara, Russia
- Alexeyeva L.A., Alipova B. “Fundamental and Generalized Solutions of the Equations of Motion of a Thermoelastic Half-Plane with a Free Boundary”, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2019, 59, No. 5, pp. 829–837. ISSN 0965-5425
- Sapargalieva B., Naukenova A., Alipova B., Shapalov Sh., Illari J.R. “Environmental disposal of large-tonnage industrial waste for the production of fire extinguishing powders”, Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of RK, ISSN 2224-5227, 3, 325 (2019), 35-42, doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-1483.69
- Alexeyeva L.A., Alipova B. “Model of wave dynamics of a thermoelastic medium by a crack raising”, Abstracts of the XII Russian Congress on fundamental problems of theoretical and applied mechanics, Ufa, Russia, August 19-24, 2019, subsection III-3. Dynamic processes in deformable media. p. 211, ISBN 978-5-7477-4920-7
- Alipova B. Certificate of Copyright of intellectual property “Dynamical analogue of Somigliana’s Formulae of coupled thermoelastodynamics” Certificate of Copyright of intellectual property № 001494 dd 10/23/2013 http://www.avtor.uz/index.php?option-com_desposition&task=display_desp_det&id=1600&itemid=88& lang=ru
- Alipova B. Certificate of Copyright «E-Textbook: Mathematics in Economics» Certificate of Copyright of intellectual property № 2061 dd 08/26/2014 http://avtor.uz/index.php?option=com_desposition&task=dis play_desp_det&id=2189&lang=ru
- Alipova B., Starinova O.L. Certificate of Copyright of intellectual property “The unique analytical solution of the equations of the movement of the spacecraft with the solar electrical rocket power propulsion system” Certificate of Copyright of intellectual property № EC-01-001028 dd 03/02/2017 http://inter.interoco.com/all-materials/literary-work/1275-2017-02-03-09-13-29.html
- Alipova B., Sapargaliyeva B.O., Naukenova A.S. Certificate of Copyright of Intellectual Property “Mathematical and computer modeling of flame attenuation in narrow channels” Certificate of Copyright of intellectual property № EC 2182-2018-08-15-10-24-33 http://inter.interoco.com/all-materials/literary-work/2182-2018-08-15-10-24-33.html
- Alexeyeva L.A., Alipova B. Certificate of Copyright of Intellectual Property “Fundamental and Weak Solutions of the Equations of Motion of a Thermoelastic Half-Plane with a Free Boundary» Certificate of Copyright of intellectual property № EC-01-002395 dd 02/07/2019 https://interoco.com/all-materials/literary-work/2707-2019-07-02-10-35-10.html
- Sapargaliyeva B.O., Naukenova A.S., Alipova B., Shapalov Sh.K. Certificate of Copyright of Intellectual Property «Calculation of concentration limits of flame propagation of air-suspended dusts under the influence certain extinguishing powders» Certificate of Copyright of intellectual property № ЕС-01-002540 dd 04.11.2019 https://interoco.com/all-materials/literary-work/2707-2019-11-04-10-35-10.html
- L. A. Alexeyeva, and B. Alipova “A First Boundary Value Problem Of Dynamics Of Thermoelastic Half-Plane”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (review)
- Alipova B., Starinova O.L. “Computer Modeling Of Nanosatellite Trajectory In The Polar Coordinate System Using Matlab Interface”, Proceedings of DTESI 2020, Digital Technologies in Education, Science and Industry 2020, September 2020, IITU, Almaty, Kazakhstan etc
- Proceedings of DTESI 2020, Digital Technologies in Education, Science and Industry 2020, September 2020, IITU, Almaty, Kazakhstan
- ICEMIS'20, September 14–16, 2020, Almaty, Kazakhstan, ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7736-2/20/06, https://doi.org/10.1145/3410352.341079
- XXIII ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ СЕМИНАР по управлению движением и навигации летательных аппаратов Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева, Акционерное общество «Ракетно-космический центр «Прогресс», Самарское отделение Академии навигации и управления движением, Самарский научный центр Российской академии наук, Поволжское региональное отделение Российской академии космонавтики имени К.Э. Циолковского, Межвузовский международный центр образования и науки Самарской области, г. Самара, Россия, 17-18 июня 2020 г.
- Virtual Conference: International Education after COVID-19, American Councils for International Education and Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, May 28, 2020
- Webinar “Competence-based approach: Training modern IT-Specialists”, arranged by Digital Kazakhstan, Suleyman Demirel University, April 27, 2020
- Participation in the Common Day of CFD (Computer Fluid Dynamics Group) of Department of Mechanical Engineering of UK – common research in the field of Mechanics of Deformable solids, Computer Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Methods etc on December 19, 2019
- Participation in Virtual Conference of MatLab (on-line license of UK), March 25, 2015
- Традиционная международная апрельская математическая конференция ИММ МОН РК, апрель 2020 (online)
- Alekseyeva L.A., Alipova B., Dadaeva A.N., Zhanbyrbaev N.B. “Boundary integral equation (BIE) formulation for transient problems of thermoelastodynamics”, International Conference EPMESC-V “Int. Conference of Education, Practice and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering Using Small Computers”, Makau (China), August 1-4, 1995
- Zhanbyrbaev N.B., Alipova B. “Fundamental solutions and boundary integral equations of coupled thermoelastodynamics”, International Conference AMCA-95 “Advanced Mathematics, Computations and Applications”, Novossibirsk (Russia), June 20-24, 1995
- Alexeeva L.A., Alipova B., Dadaeva A.N. “Boundary Integral Equations and Generalized Solutions of Transient Problems of Thermoelastodynamics”, Proceedings of ISMV-2002, September 23-27, 2002, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 32-40
- Alipova B. “BIE of non-stationary boundary problems for thermoelastic half-plane”, Abstracts of International Conference “Differential Equations”, September 24-26, 2003, Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Alipova B. “Method of Boundary integral equations (BIEM) and generalized solutions of transient problems of thermoelastodynamics” ICNPAA 2012, 9-15 July, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1493, 39(2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4765466, AIP, Austria, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4765466, pp. 39-46 http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=26916&tip=sid&clean=0
- Alipova B. “Dynamical analogue of formulae of Gauss of transient problems of thermoelastodynamics”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1637, 26 (2014); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4904561 10th International Conference On Mathematical Problems In Engineering, Aerospace And Sciences: ICNPAA 2014, Norway, ISBN: 978-0-7354-1276-7 http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4904561
- Sapargalieva B., Naukenova A., Alipova B., Shapalov Sh., Illari J.R. “The Analysis of Heat and Mass Properties of the Fire Extinguishing Powder in Effectiveness Criteria”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 2018, 4, pp.51-61
- Alipova B., Sekenov K.N “Computer modeling of dynamics of elastic media by action of concentrated mass sources”, Student Science Journal. 20(70). – М., Internauka, 2019 etc
Языки программирования:
- Fortran
- R
- Python
Знание программных обеспечении:
- Matlab
- MathCAD
- Latex
Профессиональные курсы и Летние школы
- Участие в семинаре PDE/Analysis факультета математики Университета Кентукки, Кентукки, 2019-2020 годы
- Сентябрь 2018 г. – Тренинг ECCUM по прикладной математике, организованный в рамках проекта Erasmus+ Capacity Building project ECCUM – создание вычислительных центров и разработка учебных программ по математической инженерии, Испания
- Май 2018 г. – Курс “Численное моделирование с помощью COMSOL Multiphysics” (30 часов) доцента Долорес Гомес (университет Сантьяго-де-Компостела), Алматы, Казахстан
Профессиональные онлайн курсы
- Differential Equations for Engineers пройден в Coursera, Июнь 2020
- MIT Applied Business Analytics, Июнь-Октябрь 2020
- Научно-исследовательская стипендия факультета машиностроения Университета Кентукки, штат Кентукки (США) на 2019-2021 годы
- Академический английский язык для научных исследований, предлагаемых через Coursera май-июнь 2020 года
- Серия вебинаров "Clarivate для эффективной научной деятельности" Web of Science 12-14 мая 2020 г.
- Серия вебинаров «Расширенные возможности информационных инструментов Clarivate» Web of Science 20-21 мая 2020 г.
- Серия вебинаров "Практические рекомендации по публикации в международных журналах" Web of science25-27 мая 2020 г
- SIAM – общество промышленной и прикладной математики (с января 2015 г.)
- AWM – Ассоциация женщин-математиков (с декабря 2014 года)
- Программа языковой подготовки в рамках программы Erasmus + наращивание потенциала в системе высшего образования ECCUM
Научно-исследовательские проекты
Член исследовательской группы AP05132272 “Краевые задачи динамики деформируемых твердых и электро-Магнитных сред и их решение”, грантовое финансирование научных и (или) научно-технических исследований на 2018-2020 годы при поддержке Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан