The aim of the Department of Radioengineering, Electronics and Telecommunications is to train highly qualified specialists for innovative and science-intensive sectors of the economy in the field of Radioengineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, who have theoretical and practical knowledge, professional skills and abilities to be implemented in professional activities that meet the needs of the domestic and world markets.
Objectives of the Department:
- development of modern educational programs that meet the employers’ requirements;
- building and modernization of educational laboratories;
- strengthening the research and technical cooperation with enterprises and organizations in the ICT industry;
- conducting scientific research in Radioelectronics and Telecommunications;
- involving students into research work, olympiads and scientific competitions.
To form intellectual, scientific and technical potential for the development of the industries of Radioengineering, Electronics and Telecommunications.

Achievements of the Department in 2018-2019 academic year:
The books " IoT/M2M Networks: Technologies, Applications and Regulation" and "5G Mobile Networks: Prospects for Creation and Development" were published in co-authorship with the colleagues from Moscow.
Educational equipment for such courses as "Digital devices and microprocessors" and "Digital signal processing", was purchased.
HF and UHF range radio stations, a high-frequency generator from the companies “OTC Network” and “TNS Service” and measuring devices from the Republican SOE “State Technical Service” were received as sponsorship.
Students of RET speciality won the 2nd place in the Republican RET Olympiad.
Articles were published in the IITU International Conference Proceedings.
4 reports were presented in international conferences and articles were published with a non-zero impact factor (Scopus).
Meetings were held with the companies RodeSchwartz and the Republican SOE “State Technical Service”on cooperation in educational and research activities.
Seminars on modern technologies of telecommunication were conducted with the involvement of Russian experts.
Meetings of the committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of communications of the CIS countries on new technologies and preparation for the World Radio Conference 2019 were attended.
Professors of the Department took part in the Dissertation Council at Satbayev University and National Center of Space Research and Technology.
Cooperation agreements with LLP “Granite”, “New Tech Distribution”, “TNS Service” and JSC “Galam” were signed.
An agreement for the establishment of a branch of the RET Department in the the Republican Center for Space Communications was signed.
Teleconferences Almaty-Moscow-Minsk-St. Petersburg dedicated to Victory Day and Radio Day were organized
Research projects on the Study of methods of satellite radio monitoring of radio emission sources were conducted (theoretical and experimental study results were poublished).
Professor Aitmagambetov A.Z . was awarded the Order of Kurmet of the RK for achievements in the telecommunications industry.
The department was responsible for organizing and holding the 5th International Conference "Digital Technologies in Science and Industry - 2019" (DTSI-2019), dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the International Information Technology University.
The conference included the following sections:
- Development of software and knowledge engineering
- Info-communication networks and cybersecurity
- Intelligent Systems
- Digital Technology in Economics and Management
- Digital technology in Media
- The world of language: theory, practice, innovation
- Chemical-technological Sciences and Ecology. Oil and Gas Engineering
The conference participants were came from the UK, Turkey, Russia, South Korea and Kazakhstan, representing the largest universities in the world: Gachon University (South Korea), Inha University (South Korea), MTUCI (Russia), The University of Bedfordshire (Great Britain), Anadolu University (Turkey), AUES, Gumilyov ENU, IITU JSC, KazSU named after Al-Farabi, East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbayev , Satbayev University, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz , Baku State University, and research organizations of the Subsidiary of the Institute of Space Technique and Technology LLC, Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after D.V. Sokolsky , Lavina Pulse LLC, Softcom LLP , etc.
As a result of the conference, 78 articles were published in "KBTU Bulletin” journal.
Computer Physics
In 2017, IITU JSC received a license for pedagogical educational program 5B011000-Physics.
In 2018, on the basis of the existing license, IITU JSC successfully received specialized accreditation in the Kazakhstan Association for Engineering Education and a new educational program (EP) 6В01503 - Computer Physics, which is part of the EP group "Teacher Training in Natural Science" was opened in the Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications.