Omarov Almas Turgalievich
Senior Lecturer

Omarov Almas Turgalievich

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer of the RET Department, graduated from the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications with a degree in Multichannel Telecommunications. 1974-1979 - worked at the Alma-Ata intercity telephone exchange. From 1979 to 2017 he taught at AUPET (Almaty), KazATU (Astana), ENU (Astana), specializing in RET.

Scientific work:

Copyright certificate for radio communications in 1987, an article in the Zerde magazine in 1989, 45 scientific and methodological works (guidelines for laboratory and practical exercises, course projects, textbooks, scientific articles at republican conferences).


During his time at AUPET, he took part in organizing and conducting the educational process for students of the first graduation of engineers in Kazakhstan in the specialties Automatic telecommunications and Radio engineering. He was a Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (1987-1989), the Faculty of Radio Engineering and Communication (2002-2003), Deputy Head of the Department of Automatic Telecommunications, a member of the Academic Council of the Institute (1997-1998).


Diplomas and letters of thanks for work in AUPET, KazATU, ENU, IITU.


2007 - a seminar on the credit system of education with obtaining a certificate at KazATU, Astana. 2010 - advanced training courses "Next Generation Networks - NGN" of the Interregional Training Center for Retraining of SibSUTI Specialists.

2011 - advanced training courses “Modern information technologies. Distance learning methods” with obtaining a certificate at KazATU.

2016 - certificate of SPbSUT-ENU on participation in the scientific and technical seminar "Modern problems of infocommunication systems".

2017 - certificate of SPbSUT-ENU on participation in the international webinar "Modern approaches to the theory of teletraffic. Problems of the quality of data transmission in multiservice networks."

2017 - Certificate of the National Open University INTUIT for the course "Terminal devices and lines of the subscriber section of the information network".

2017-2018 - 3 IITU certificates.

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