Department of Computer engineering
The purpose of the Department of Computer Engineering is to provide the educational process with modern methodological tools and educational technologies, training high-level specialists (bachelors, masters) in the field of solving information problems.
Mission of the Department
- To provide students with practice-oriented training in development, deployment and security of information technology for various industries and businesses.
- To create the conditions for continuous professional self-development.
- To create the conditions for the development of graduates’ social and personal qualities (purposefulness, organization, hard work, sociability, ability to work in a team, responsibility at work, civic responsibility and tolerance), social mobility and competitiveness in the labor market

Chinibayeva Tolganay Temirbolatkyzy
head of the department
head of the department

Mukanov Samat Bakytzhanovich

Tynymbaev Sahybay

Bektemyssova Gulnara Umitkulovna

Mohsin Ali Farhad

Duzbayev Nurzhan Tokkuzhaevich

Ipalakova Madina Tolegenovna

Seilova Nurgul

Sapakova Saya Zamanbekovna

Nalgozhina Nurgul

Dauletbek Meruert Olzhabayevna

Alpysbay Nursultan Ergazizuly

Kozina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Bekaulova Zhansaya Mukhamedievna

Tukushev Temirlan

Zhakypbekov Syrym

Joldasbayev Serik

Sultanbek Sanzhar

Ayazbaev Galymzhan

Mangytaev Aidos

Kulambaev Bakhytzhan

Mamanova Symbat

Sarsenbek Kadyr

Aldiyar Myrzabek

Myrzatov Elzhan

Barlykbay Nazym

Beishenaly Aliya Aidarbekkyzy

Makhmetova Kuralai Bakhytkyzy

Aliman Alibek Adilbekovich

Balgabek Askar Aidaruly

Renata Armankyzy

Kaimov Suleimen Talgatovich

Akimova Bota
Scientific projects
Development of a smart map for planning and evaluating the effectiveness of urban infrastructure based on models for analyzing human activity in urban conditions
Development of mobile intelligent services for museum visitors based on machine learning using augmented reality technology
Development of a hardware and software complex for monitoring and correction of respiratory functions based on multimodule technologies