Permanent members of the Dissertation Council

Report on the work of the Dissertation Council for 2023

Plagiarism detection system - StrikePlagiarism (service agreement No. 1-18/22 dated 02/21/2022 for a period of 3 years)

Regulatory documents

Sample documents

Instructions for the preparation of a dissertation

Information about the dissertation defense by A.B. Myrzakerimova.

Protection Notice

Abstract in the Kazakh language

Abstract in Russian Language

Abstract in English Language


List of scientific papers

Review of the scientific consultant

Feedback from a foreign consultant

Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Information about the defense of the thesis by V.V. Naumenko


Abstract in Kazakh

Abstract in Russian

Abstract in English


Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Review of the scientific supervisor

Review of the foreign scientific supervisor

List of publications

Video recording of the meeting

Information about the defense of the thesis by S.B. Mukhanov


Abstract in Kazakh

Abstract in Russian

Abstract in English


Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Review of the scientific supervisor

Review of the foreign scientific supervisor

List of publications

Review of the official reviewer 1

Review of the official reviewer 2

Video recording of the meeting part 1

Video recording of the meeting part 2

Information about the defense of the dissertation by N.Zh. Nalgozhina


Abstract in Kazakh

Abstract in Russian

Abstract in English


Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Review of the scientific supervisor

Review of the foreign scientific supervisor

List of publication

Review of the official reviewer 1

Review of the official reviewer 2

Video recording of the meeting


Форма заполнения

* - обязательное поле

Отзывы официальных рецензентов

+ -

Information about the defense of the thesis by S.D. Alpar


Abstract in Kazakh

Abstract in Russian

Abstract in English


Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Review of the scientific supervisor

Review of the foreign scientific supervisor

List of publications

Review of the official reviewer 1

Review of the official reviewer 2

‎ ‎

Video recording of the meeting

Information about the defense of the thesis by Zh.B. Ibrayeva


Abstract in Kazakh

Abstract in Russian

Abstract in English


Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Review of the scientific supervisor

Review of the foreign scientific supervisor

List of publications

Review of the official reviewer 1

Review of the official reviewer 2

Video recording of the meeting

Information about the defense of the thesis by Y.G. Chinibayev


Abstract in Kazakh

Abstract in Russian

Abstract in English


Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Review of the scientific supervisor

Review of the foreign scientific supervisor

List of publication

Review of the official reviewer 1 in Russian

Review of the official reviewer 1 in English

Review of the official reviewer 2 in Russian

Review of the official reviewer 2 in English

Video recording of the meeting

Information about the defense of the thesis by T.Zh. Merembayev


Abstract in Kazakh

Abstract in Russian

Abstract in English


Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Review of the scientific supervisor

Review of the foreign scientific supervisor

List of publications

Review of the official reviewer 1

Review of the official reviewer 2

Video recording of the meeting




Deputy Chairman

Academic Secretary

Sinchev Bakhtgerey Kuspanovich, doct. of tech. sc., professor

Daineko Yevgeniya Alexandrovna PhD, associate professor

Ipalakova Madina Tulegenovna cand. of tech. sc., associate professor

Address: Almaty, 34/1 Manas street Phone: +7 727 244-83-69, internal 2012 e-mail: sinchev@mail.ru

Address: Almaty, 34/1 Manas street Phone: +7 727 244-83-89,  internal 2010 e-mail: y.daineko@iitu.edu.kz

Address: Almaty, 34/1 Manas street Phone: +7 727 244-51-09, internal 2093 e-mail: m.ipalakova@iitu.edu.kz

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