6B01503 Computer physics
Program description

Preparation of modern teaching staff in physics with knowledge of the English language, computer modeling and radio engineering.

Graduates of the EP “Computer Physics” will have in-depth knowledge of physics and mathematics, have basic skills in the use of computer technology and programming, as well as be able to work with electronic and telecommunication systems and networks for further professional activities, and fluent in English at a professional level.

Along with pedagogical activity, the field of professional activity of graduates of the “Computer Physics” EP can be the field of science, organizations, institutions and enterprises related to research in the field of physics and technology, in particular radio-electronic and telecommunication technologies, computer simulation of processes and software development for industrial enterprises various industries, software and database companies, research institutes.

The content of the EP “Computer Physics” is structured in such a way that students in the 3rd year of study have the right to choose their specialization, related to programming and software development, as well as electronic and telecommunication technology.

Currently, the direction of computer physics is relevant in the world since the current state of development of science, engineering and technology often requires the ability to predict, analyze and evaluate the need and effectiveness of certain (including financial) costs when introducing new developments in any industry; in this case, the ability to simulate using a computer a particular physical or other technological process is the only way to find the answer to the question of the feasibility of conducting experiments or tests in a particular industry.

The purpose and objectives of the educational program

The aim of the educational program is to prepare in high demand, competitive and highly qualified teachers who are fluent in English, with all kinds of competencies necessary for the labor market in education, skilled in modern teaching methods, ICT technologies, and who are able to assess and analyze the current state of the industry.

Objectives of the EP:

  1. Providing conditions for mastering a competent and developed speech, knowledge of native and foreign languages, knowledge in the field of communication technology, communication strategies, skills of constructive dialogue, communication in a multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-denominational society.
  2. Possession of basic knowledge in fundamental mathematical, natural science and technical disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated person with wide outlook and thinking culture, have the ability to determine and understand the role of mathematics and physics in the world, express well-founded mathematical judgments, use mathematics and physics for the needs inherent in creative, interested and thinking citizen; understand the role of physical processes in nature and technology, technical capabilities and prospects for the use of information technology in various fields of human activity.
  3. To know the basic laws and principles of physics, apply this knowledge in pedagogical activities, and posses the methods of education and teaching physics. Ability to apply information and communication technologies (ICT) in professional activities, posses network and multimedia technologies for planning and organizing project activities for future physics teachers, for organizing online forums and seminars, and a virtual learning environment; use ICTs, interactive whiteboards and multimedia projectors for technical support of active types of training; to have skills in processing information of various types, including: receiving, retrieving and systematizing digital, text, graphic and visual, hypermedia information and databases; apply multimedia resources and media; posses methods of searching for information on the Internet and databases: find, select and process data from digital and Internet sources; the ability to use models and perform modeling of physical objects and processes, to posses methods for creating multimedia presentations; posses programming skills using modern tools, the development of algorithmic and operational thinking, logical, intellectual and creative abilities of students by means of information and communication technologies. Have basic knowledge of electronic and telecommunication technologies.
  4. Possession of a system of subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge, skills and abilities to apply theoretical knowledge in professional activities, taking into account specific socio-pedagogical conditions, knowledge of the methods of organizing innovative activities in the teaching of physics, knowledge of the theory of pedagogical integration, pedagogical innovation , pedagogical technologies, the ability to integrate knowledge from various subject areas in solving pedagogical problems; knowledge of the methods of planning and conducting criteria-based assessment in physics lessons; Skills in planning educational activities within the framework of inclusive education; providing students with basic knowledge and skills to work with modern information and communication technologies for their effective use in the conditions of updated educational content, implementing trilingual education, which involves teaching not only three languages, but also organizing extracurricular activities of students in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English), the ability to organize pedagogical cooperation (teacher- student, teacher-teacher, teacher-parent), including in the conditions of specialized training, consolidation of theoretical knowledge during training and pedagogical practices.
  5. To be aware of ethical, spiritual and cultural values, of the basic laws and forms of regulation of social behavior, and of sociological approaches to the person, to know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan, to know the trends in the development of society, to be able to adequately navigate in various social situations, think creatively, be tolerant to traditions, the culture of other nations of the world, have an active attitude to life.
  6. Possessing the basics of economic knowledge, in particular management in education, and be competent and have ideas in the field of economics.
Requirements for the assessment of educational program learning outcomes

The following examination forms are used as an assessment of learning outcomes: computer testing, written exam (answers on the sheets), oral exam, project (submitting a course project), practical (open questions on a computer, solving problems on a computer) comprehensive (test / written / oral + others). The following exams are recommended in accordance with table 1:

Exams format

Recommended share,, %


Coputer testing






Oral exam











Final certification ends with the defense of the graduation project.


To be able to apply the knowledge of physics in the professional activities of a physics teacher in schools, secondary and special educational institutions taking into account information and communication technologies (ICT), to plan and organize the project activities of future physics teachers, to organize actual and virtual laboratory work; to understand the role and place of physics in solving problems of electronic engineering, telecommunications networks, computers and software, as well as using skills in these areas in the professional activities of a physics teacher; to use ICT, interactive 17 whiteboards and multimedia projectors for technical support of active types of education; to possess the skills of processing information of various kinds, including to receive, extract and systematize digital, textual, graphic and visual, hypermedia information and physical data bases; to use multimedia resources and media; own methods to search the information on the Internet and databases of physical data; to find, select and process data from digital and Internet sources; to be able to use models and perform object modeling, to master the methods to create multimedia presentations; to possess programming skills using modern tools, to develop algorithmic and operational thinking, logical, intellectual and creative abilities of students by means of information and communication technologies.

The professional area of a bachelor in EP 6В01503 - Computer Physics is educational institutions (secondary schools, pedagogical colleges, institutes of advanced training and retraining of pedagogical personnel, education departments).

The objects of professional activity of graduates are educational government-financed institutions, educational nongovernment-financed institutions, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, vocational educational and training institutions; managerial organizations: government bodies, education departments.

The types of professional activities of graduates: socio-pedagogical, educational, research, organizational and methodological, cultural and educational, production and technological, organizational and managerial.


Students undergo pedagogical practice at FIZMAT and NIS schools. There is also cooperation with research institutes NIIETF (Scientific Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), NNLOT (National Open-type Nanotechnology Laboratory, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University).

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