In December 29 , 2023 the International University of Information Technology was successfully audited for its quality management system compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2016.
The audit was conducted by an authoritative team of national auditors to confirm compliance with EUROASIA-MS LLP. During the audit, experts noted the competence of the departmental specialists responsible for maintaining the management system in a working condition, their professionalism and expertise in the field of quality management.
The audit revealed no inconsistencies in the functioning of the IITU quality management system. The audit team has identified a number of opportunities for improvement. The results of the inspection audit confirmed the IITU management system’s compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2016.
The quality management system of the University is properly maintained and constantly developing. The QMS processes are systematically controlled, monitored and analysed. The QMS documentation is being improved and updated in a timely manner, or revised if necessary. So far, the University has developed and approved 233 QMS documents that regulate the basic and supporting processes of the University.
The management system is considered by the University as a guarantee of its capacity to meet the educational standard requirements and to provide a standardized quality of education, which also testifies to a high level of the organization management culture.
The IITU quality management system has been operating since 2011. The introduction of this system has bolstered up the overall manageability of the University, the level of its staff motivation, the quality of managerial decision-making at all levels of administration. All business processes are optimized and conflict situations between the departments are timely resolved. The University is committed to continuous improvement in all the major indicators of effective business management, and demonstrates its ability to find a common language in negotiations with foreign partners and investors.
Voluntary certification of the management system for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001 and its national version confirms the company's conformance with the requirements in the field of quality management and its reliability for the consumer, thereby serving as an indicator of the University’s competitiveness both on the national and the international levels.