Tukushev Temirlan
Senior lecturer

MSc in Computer Science

Professional background


  • International University of Information Technology (IITU), Computer Science and Software Engineering, Master's degree

Taught subjects:

  • Introduction to Computer Networks
  • Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials
  • Connecting Networks
  • Enterprise Networking, Security and Automation
  • Administration of Systems

Scientific achievements:

  • Publications in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFROMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY on the topic of security in IoT

Scientific interests:

  • Backend, system administration, information security

Additional information:

  • Cisco certifications (CCNA: Introduction to Networks and CCNA: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials)
  • Huawei certification (HCIA-Datacom)

Translation notes:

  • The Russian phrase "Образование" translates to "Education" in English.
  • The phrase "МУИТ" translates to "IITU" in English.
  • The phrase "Вычислительная Техника и Программное Обеспечение" translates to "Computer Science and Software Engineering" in English.
  • The phrase "Магистр" translates to "Master's degree" in English.
  • The phrase "Преподаваемые дисциплины" translates to "Taught subjects" in English.
  • The phrases "Introduction to Computer Networks", "Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials", "Connecting Networks", "Enterprise Networking, Security and Automation", and "Administration of Systems" translate to the same English phrases respectively.
  • The phrase "Научные достижения" translates to "Scientific achievements" in English.
  • The phrase "публикации в INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFROMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY по теме безопасности в IoT" translates to "publications in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFROMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY on the topic of security in IoT" in English.
  • The phrase "Научные интересы" translates to "Scientific interests" in English.
  • The phrases "backend", "системное администрирование", and "информационная безопасность" translate to "backend", "system administration", and "information security" respectively in English.
  • The phrase "Дополнительная информация" translates to "Additional information" in English.
  • The phrase "Сертификаты Cisco" translates to "Cisco certifications" in English.
  • The phrase "CCNA: Introduction to Networks" translates to "CCNA: Introduction to Networks" in English.
  • The phrase "CCNA: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials" translates to "CCNA: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials" in English.
  • The phrase "Сертификация от Huawei" translates to "Huawei certification" in English.
  • The phrase "HCIA-Datacom" translates to "HCIA-Datacom" in English.
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