Ziro Aasso Araz

PhD student


  1. 2020 - 2023 Kazakhstan, Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

Degree: doctoral student

Direction of training: Information security

Educational program: Information security systems

2. 2019 - Spain, Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Satpayev University

Degree: master

Specialty: Project Management

3. 2016 - Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Degree: master

Faculty: Computer Technologies and Management

Department: Computer Engineering

Specialty: Informatics and Computer Engineering

Focus (profile) of the educational program: Security of computing systems and networks

4. 2014 - Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakh National University named after K. I. Satpayev

Degree: bachelor

Institute: Information and Telecommunication Technologies

Department: Information Security

Specialty: Information security systems

Direction: Military and security


2015 – Internship in the department of technical support of information systems and networks of Northern Capital Gateway LLC (Pulkov Airport).

Participation in projects:

Development of terms of reference for the Digital University

Working period: January 2018 – April 2018

Organization: Satpayev University

Position in the project: Project manager

Responsibilities: research of all business processes of the University and modeling of the Digital University system


  1. Ziro A.A. Consideration of types of vulnerabilities for building an algorithm for detecting penetration into an information system // Proceedings of the V All-Russian Congress of Young Scientists. Volume 1. - St. Petersburg: ITMO University, 2016. P. 173-176
  2. Ziro A.A. Review of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of personal data protection // Proceedings of the IV All-Russian Congress of Young Scientists - St. Petersburg: ITMO University, 2015. 161-163p.
  3. Ziro A.A. Consideration of types of vulnerabilities for building an algorithm for detecting penetration into an information system // Proceedings of the V All-Russian Congress of Young Scientists - St. Petersburg: ITMO University, 2016. - thesis.
  4. Ziro A.A. Review of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of personal data protection // Proceedings of the IV All-Russian Congress of Young Scientists - St. Petersburg: ITMO University, 2015. - thesis.
  5. Ziro A. A., Aitkhozhaeva E. Zh., Virtualization trend and its features // Fundamental scientific research: theoretical and practical aspects: collection of materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2017. - Volume II. - pp. 206-209
  6. Zhaibergenova Zh.A., Ziro A.A., Aitkhozhaeva E.Zh. Vulnerabilities of virtualization // Collection of abstracts of reports of the congress of young scientists. Electronic edition [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: link to the page with the thesis, free.
  7. Agabek A.Z., Shapiev K.S., Ziro A.A. Development of a strategy and solving problems of security of web applications // Collection of abstracts of reports of the congress of young scientists. Electronic edition [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: link to the page with the thesis, free.
  8. Syrlybaeva A.N., Ziro A.A. Paradox of birthdays // Collection of theses of reports of the congress of young scientists. Electronic edition [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: link to the page with the thesis, free.
  9. Syrlybaeva A.N., Ziro A.A. Asynchronous, synchronous data transfer methods. Encryption implementation of the RSA asymmetric code // Collection of abstracts of reports of the congress of young scientists. Electronic edition [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: link to the page with the thesis, free.
  10. Tynymbaev S.T., Imanbaev A.Zh., Ziro A.A., Urungaliev A., PROCEEDINGS of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mathematical Methods and Information Technologies of Macroeconomic Analysis and Economic Policy", dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abdykappar Ashimovich Ashimov, April 11-12, 2017, Almaty, pp. 544-548.
  11. S. T. Tynymbaev, A. A. Shaikulova, A. Zh. Imanbaev, A. A. Ziro, MATRIX SCHEMES FOR REDUCING NUMBERS MODULAR, III INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY - 2017" (DTS & I-2017) Almaty (Kazakhstan) May 19-20, 2017.
  12. Tynymbaev S.T., Imanbaev A.Zh., Ziro A.A., Berdibaev R.Sh., Zhaibergenova Zh.A. Algorithm for dividing numbers and a device for its implementation. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 1621 dated July 3, 2017.
  13. Aitkhozhaeva E.Zh., Ziro A.A. , Zhaibergenova Zh.A., Virtualization safety. The 15th International Scientific Conference Information Technologies and Management 2017, April 27 – 28, ISBN 1691-2489.
  14. Aitkhozhayeva Y.Zh., Ziro A.A., Zhaibergenova Zh. A., Baltabay A. G. Penetration testing. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 6 (376).- Almaty: Science, 2018. - p.39-44. ISSN: 1991-349421. DOI: 10.32014/2018.2518-1467.25. (Web of Science, IF 0.094 by KazBC).

Additional information:

  • IMTO University course "x0002.02 Creating web interfaces using HTML and CSS"
  • IMTO University Course "x0008.01 Introduction to Web Programming Technologies (Javascript)"
  • IMTO University course "x0009.01 Introduction to web programming technologies (PHP)".
  • Course "Programming in Microsoft.NET Framework (Microsoft Visual C++.NET)"
  • Cisco Networking Academy "IT Essential: PC Hardware and Software" Certificate of Course Completion
  • Cisco Networking Academy "CCNA Discovery: Networking for Home and Small Businesses" Certificate of Course Completion
  • Cisco Networking Academy "CCNA Discovery: Working at a Small-to-Medium Business or ISP" Certificate of Course Completion
  • Cisco Networking Academy "CCNA Discovery: Routing and Switching" Certificate of Course Completion
  • Certificate No. 101021730 under the program "Cloud Computing Technologies" INTUIT
  • Certificate №100872535 under the program "Fundamentals of Cryptography" INTUIT
  • Certificate "Modern methods and tools for assessing information security risks"
  • Certificate "Modern intellectualized systems for recognizing and counteracting cyber attacks"
  • Cisco Networking Academy® Introduction to Cybersecurity course
  • NDG Linux Unhatched course
  • CCNA course. Routing switching. Introduction to network technologies»
  • The course "High Performance Computing Techinical Program" Churchill College in the University of Cambridge.
  • Course "Transits I course of CERT professionals" KazRENA.
  • Certificate "Competitive intelligence in information technology" MUIT
  • Certificate "Protection of information from leakage through technical channels" MUIT
  • Certificate "Information Security: Computer Crime and Malware" Kaspersky Lab
  • Certificate "Technologies of the mind in modern cyberweapons" MUIT
  • Certificate "Organization and management of information security in accordance with the requirements of ISO 27001" MUIT
  • Certificate "Organization of workplaces for the protection of automated systems" MUIT

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