IITU students took part in the Republican Intellectual and Cognitive Olympiad!

On April 23, 2024 at 15:00 at the philological faculty of the Kazakh linguistics department named after A. Baitursynov Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi was held a national intellectual and cognitive Olympiad in the Kazakh language "Ұлы dala tili - мәңгілік ел тұғыры". Representatives of other nationalities studying in Russian-speaking departments of higher educational institutions of the republic, who were able to perform tasks in the state language, took an active part in the Olympiad.

The Olympiad was held in three stages:
1. The first round - a video on the theme "The right choice of profession is a guarantee of a bright future".
2. The second round - "The value of the nation is in the language, speak Kazakh".
3. The third round is "Mobile Response."

First-year student Ruslan Schmidt from our university took third place. Other students - Alexander Li, Daria Vyalova, Miroslav Panin and Daniil Chegodaev - were awarded letters of thanks. Letters of thanks were also awarded to supervising teachers A.M. Kazezova and S.S. Tatieva.

We congratulate all the participants and winners of the Olympiad on their wonderful results and express our gratitude to the teachers for their hard work and dedication to education.

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