A number of events were held at IITU in honor of Science Workers' Day

From April 10-12, our university hosted a series of educational webinars and seminars on current topics in science and education. The events began on April 10 with a seminar by Mark Akoyev, Head of the Laboratory of Scientific Metrics at the Ural Federal University, on the use of scientific metrics to build a scientific career in computer science and mathematics. The same day, Prof. Sergey D. Bushuev held a webinar on the application of artificial intelligence in the modern world as part of the series "Artificial Intelligence and Cyberspace Security".

On April 11, within the framework of the celebration of the Day of Science Workers of Kazakhstan, various events were organized, as well as a webinar "Science Education" with reports of speakers from IITU and IEEE, dedicated to science education.

On April 12, a round table was held to discuss trends in science of the future. These events facilitated the exchange of experiences and ideas, and emphasized the university's commitment to maintaining a high level of academic excellence and introducing innovative approaches in the scientific field.

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