Methodical Support

📖Methodological guidelines

📖Methodological consultations conducted by experts of JSC IITU for teachers of pilot schools:

Методическая поддержка
No. Date Name Trainer Link to more information/recording
1 December 7, 2021 "Russian as a foreign language. Methodology of the RFL" Dinara Aliyeva
Oxana Bublikova
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Link to the recording
2 January 28, 2022 Lesson planning of Russian as a foreign language classes when working in a multi-level group" Elmira Yerkebekova
Yevgeniy Medvedev
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Link to the recording
3 February 25, 2022 "On the possibilities and forms of criteria-based assessment" Part 1 Dinara Aliyeva
Oxana Bublikova
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Link to the recording
4 March 5, 2022 "On the possibilities and forms of criteria-based assessment" Part 2 Dinara Aliyeva
Oxana Bublikova
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Link to the recording
5 April 21, 2022
April 28, 2022
"Motivation of students of different ages and levels" Elmira Yerkebekova
Yevgeniy Medvedev
Link to information
6 April 21, 2022
April 28, 2022
Lesson-training "Travel" Dinara Aliyeva
Oxana Bublikova
Link to information
7 October 8, 2022 "Organization of the learning environment in the classroom with a blended learning format" Elmira Yerkebekova
Yevgeniy Medvedev
Link to information
Link to the recording
8 November 19, 2022 «“How to formulate the purpose of the lesson “for yourself” and “for students” Dinara Aliyeva
Oxana Bublikova
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Link to the recording
9 December 10, 2022 "The balance of language skills in a blended format of teaching Russian as a foreign language using the Akelius platform" Elmira Yerkebekova
Yevgeniy Medvedev
Link to information
10 January 27, 2023 Demonstration lesson in a blended format Dinara Aliyeva
Oxana Bublikova
Link to information
11 October 23, 2023 "Blended learning: tools of a modern teacher" Oxana Bublikova
Yevgeniy Medvedev
Link to the recording
12 November 24, 2023 “Blended Learning Models: Station Rotation” Oxana Bublikova
Ainur Suranchina
Link to the recording
13 January 6, 2024 «Blended Learning Models. RAFT technology» Dinara Aliyeva
Zulfiya Ainabayeva
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Link to the recording
Link to the recording
14 March 27-30, 2024 «Blended Learning Models: The Flipped Classroom Model» Oxana Bublikova
Zulfiya Ainabayeva
Link to the recording
Link to the recording
15 May 6-11, 2024 «Blended learning tools: designing a lesson plan» Dinara Aliyeva
Ainur Suranchina
Link to the recording
Методическая поддержка
No. Date Name Trainer Link to more information/recording
1 March 28, 2023 «Best practices of blended learning and formative assessment» Part 1 Katelyn Williams Link to information
Link to the recording
2 March 29, 2023 «Best practices of blended learning and formative assessment» Part 2 Katelyn Williams Link to information
Link to the recording
3 March 30, 2023 «Best practices of blended learning and formative assessment» Part 3 Katelyn Williams Link to information
Link to the recording
4 October 29, 2022 "Mixed form of teaching Russian as a foreign language using the Akelius platform" Gulnara Akhmetova Link to information
Link to the recording
5 February 23-24, 2023 «Best practices of blended learning and formative assessment» Katelyn Williams Link to information
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