On January 4 - 6, 2024, language experts from IITU conducted a training for teachers on the topic “Blended Learning Models. RAFT technology” on the ZOOM online platform.

Language and methodological experts from IITU planned and conducted a series of trainings from January 4 to 6 on the topic “Blended Learning Models: RAFT Technology” on the ZOOM online platform. Teachers from Shymkent, Astana and Almaty schools, involved in a project aimed at improving the literacy of children who do not speak Russian, took part in the trainings. For the convenience of teachers, the dates of the trainings were divided by the cities: January 4 - Shymkent, January 5 - Astana, January 6 - Almaty.

The leading speakers of this training were: Dinara Asylkhanovna Aliyeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Languages of IITU JSC (in Russian Language) and Zulfiya Makhsutovna Aynabayeva, expert at “Teaching Young Learners” (in English Language).

Dinara Aliyeva notes that RAFT technology is a pedagogical technique aimed at creating written texts on a specific topic using the following formula:

R – Role

A – Audience



To determine the role, it is necessary to find out who can cover a given topic

Finding out who this text may be intended for

Choosing a genre and form of storytelling

Choosing a topic and determining what the text will be about and what main ideas will be revealed in it 

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According to Dinara Aliyeva “This method teaches schoolchildren to consider a topic from different sides and points of view and improves writing skills. It is one of the ways to teach critical thinking as it forms a system of judgments and promotes the ability to analyze and formulate conclusions.”

The training, lasting 60 minutes, was aimed at practical work with teachers. The expert presented the advantages and possibilities of organizing a lesson using RAFT technology. According to Dinara Aliyeva “RAFT is not a blended learning model like Station Rotation or Flipped Classroom. Why did we choose this model to demonstrate a lesson in a blended format? During practice, teachers noted the effectiveness of this technology in developing the skills of creating productive text based on materials from the Akelius application, as well as writing skills, which is very important when learning a foreign language.”

Dinara Asylkhanovna emphasized that the use of RAFT technology requires certain preparation on the part of both the teacher and the students. The teacher should understand how the result of the task will be presented: in the form of a demonstration of the results of the students’ activities in the lesson or in the form of a pre-prepared homework assignment. The language expert says that the following plan seems optimal: During the lesson it is necessary to: 1. Discuss theoretical materials and the content of literary texts; 2. Work with additional materials - the Akelius application; 3. Move on to the distribution of groups and roles; 4. Leave the creation of productive texts as homework (think about the roles, topic and recipients); 5. Create texts that will be accompanied by creative drawings, collages, etc. (in class). At the preparatory stage, you can go through training materials on Akelius as this will help you to practice the lexical material of the lesson.

At the end of the training, Dinara Asylkhanovna added that using Akelius will add the elements of creativity and play to the lesson and help to create a creative atmosphere.


At the end of the training, participants were given tasks to consolidate new material. Dinara Aliyeva thanked all participants for their fruitful joint work and feedback.

In conclusion Zhannura Manapbayeva, Project Coordinator, PhD, and the head of the Department of Languages of IITU JSC noted that 3-day training was quite successful, primarily due to the fact that the majority of participants were interested and involved in the teaching process. They were also active and carried out assigned tasks during the training.

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