On October 23, 2023, language and methodological experts from IITU conducted a training for teachers on the topic “Blended learning: Tools of a Modern Teacher” on the ZOOM online platform.

On October 23, a training on the topic “Blended learning: Tools of a Modern Teacher” was held for teachers on the ZOOM online platform. Teachers from different schools in the cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent took part in the training. The leading speakers of this training were: Oksana Vasilyevna Bublikova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Languages of IITU JSC and Yevgeniy Yuryevich Medvedev, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Languages of IITU JSC.

Let us recall that in May 2023, language experts at IITU created the online course “Blended Learning: Tools of a Modern Teacher.” The goal of the online course is to help educators transform traditional learning environment into creative lab.

Zhannura Manapbayeva, project coordinator, PhD, head of the Department of Languages of IITU JSC, Gulnara Zakirova, national expert on documentation, quality expert, Associate Professor of the Department of Languages of IITU JSC, as well as language experts: Dinara Aliyeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Languages and Oksana Bublikova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Languages developed a course consisting of 5 modules. Video training will be useful for those who are interested in online technologies, are open to new experiences and choose learning through action.

The experts spoke about the prerequisites for the emergence of blended learning and the effectiveness of this teaching format, revealed the essence of the communicative-activity approach to learning a foreign language, and also introduced such blended learning technologies as “Station Rotation”, “Flipped Classroom” and RAFT technology.

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The authors of the online course shared how to design an interactive lesson taking into account a multi-level and multi-age classroom. They also said how to prepare a classroom for blended learning and how to overcome the challenges that arise in blended learning. In particular, experts told how to cope with lack of motivation among students and the lack of technical equipment in classrooms.

Oksana Bublikova noted that effective distance learning methods are needed to give all children equal educational opportunities. The creation of free online learning courses, the provision of Internet access in schools and libraries, and the safe use of technology all provide a new approach to learning that can help all students succeed, regardless of their social background, physical characteristics and other factors.

Yevgeniy Medvedev, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor spoke about dividing groups into levels, as well as possible learning outcomes

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