On October 19-20, 2023, UNICEF representatives visited a number of schools in Almaty.

On October 19-20, 2023, UNICEF representatives (as part of a visit to the city of Almaty) visited a number of schools that joined and became participants in a pilot project to improve children's literacy. An operational and strategic meeting was held with the Department of Education and the Center for New Technologies in Education on the Akelius project in Almaty. UNICEF members represented by Tatyana Aderikhina, education specialist, Damir Kozhanbayev, program coordinator, and language and methodological experts from IITU, visited three educational institutions: school-gymnasium No. 206, secondary school No. 181, and school-lyceum No. 210. During the visit, UNICEF representatives met with the school administrators and the Russian and English teachers. During the visit, Tatyana Aderikhina, the head of UNICEF education programs in Kazakhstan, spoke about the international approaches that are used in different countries for implementation of this project aimed at literacy improvement. An international program to teach children literacy using the Akelius platform is being implemented in a number of countries. According to Tatyana Aderikhina Kazakhstan took up this initiative in 2021 in order to promote the learning of foreign languages by children and adolescents from socially vulnerable groups (refugees and migrants, out-of-school students, ethnic and linguistic minorities), and facilitate their integration into formal education systems and society through development and localization of an electronic platform for language learning.

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