League of Academic Honesty

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Since 2018 JSC “International University of Information Technologies” has been a member of the League of Academic Honesty of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

League of Academic Honesty is an association for organizations of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The mission of the league is to improve academic quality in the country by promoting and implementing the ten fundamental principles of academic honesty:

1) Academic honesty is a key value of every member of the League, its academic process and research.

2) Every member of the League ensures compliance with clear, fair and objective standards of academic honesty, citation and conduct rules.

3) Every member of the League is responsible for ensuring mandatory plagiarism check of all written works, regardless of their nature, content and scope, submitted for academic and / or research purposes.

4) Every member of the League ensures the responsibility for the student for violating the principles and standards of academic honesty.

5) Every member of the League imposes heightened requirements on students within the framework of their system of fair and objective assessment of learning outcomes.

6) Every member of the League provides an opportunity to complete their studies only for the best students.

7) Every member of the League is responsible for the training quality, confirmed by the diploma.

8) Every member of the League ensures the lecturer’s high responsibility as a mentor instilling the principles and standards of academic honesty, mutual respect and justice.

9) Every member of the League recognizes that the promotion and protection of academic honesty is the result of all students’ and employees’ mutual effort in the educational institution.

10) Every member of the League undertakes to conscientiously perform the entrusted obligations, including the basic principles of the League. The member understands that he can be expelled from the organization for violating obligations in accordance with the Charter or Acts of the League, as well as the principles and standards of academic honesty, including the basic principles of the League.

League Council - The executive body of the Association, which is engaged in the elaborating academic standards.

The General Meeting is the highest body of the Association considering and making decisions on key issues.

ADAL BILIM Map of corruption risks. Level - Universities.

Academic policy

Code of Academic Honesty

Regulation on the anti-plagiarism system

The grades median of the summer exam session at IITU JSC for 2018-2019 academic year


1/34, Manas str. Almaty, 050040

League Council -  is the executive body of the Association that develops academic standards

General meeting -  is the supreme body of the Association that considers and makes decisions on key issues.

ADAL BILIM  Map of corruption risks. Level - Universities.

Academic policy

Academic Integrity Code

Regulations on the anti-plagiarism system

Charter of the League of Academic Integrity

Criteria for assessing the organization of the educational process

Criteria for assessing the results of student learning
Criteria for assessing the integrity of the journal



1/34, Manas str. Almaty, 050040

Dean's office:

+7(727) 244 83 71

Department of Academic Affairs:

+7(727) 330 85 67

Department of Postgraduate Education:

+7(727) 330 85 63

Department of International Cooperation:

+7(727) 244 83 88

Department of Marketing and PR:

+7(727) 330 85 62

Career Center:

+7 (727) 330 85 62



Center for Educational Innovation and SMART Learning:

+7(727) 244 83 86

Commercial Management:

+7 (727) 244 83 67

Innovation center:

+7 (727) 244 51 03


+7 (727) 244 51 04


+7 (727) 244 51 06


+7 (727) 330 85 69

Социальные аккаунты:

Academic Honesty League website



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