6B06201 Telecommunication systems and networks
Goal of the Program

The goal of the Telecommunication Systems and Networks educational program is is to train highly qualified specialists for innovative and science-intensive sectors of the economy in the field of Telecommunications, who have theoretical and practical knowledge, professional skills and abilities to be implemented in professional activities that meet the needs of the domestic and world intellectual labour markets.

Leading positions

  • Telecommunication networks and switching systems;
  • Multichannel telecommunication systems;
  • Intelligent systems and networks;
  • М2М networks and Internet of things;
  • Centralized data processing systems in telecommunication networks;
  • Wireless systems and networks;
  • Information security in telecommunication networks, etc.
Core competences

  • To be able to use advanced technologies in the field of telecommunications.
  • To be able to correctly apply methods for analysis and calculation of characteristics of electrical, radio engineering and communication networks and data transmission networks.
  • To be able to assess the technical state of telecommunication systems using diagnostic equipment and indirect signs.
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