The department trains future specialists in innovative programs that take into account the requirements of today's knowledge-based information society. Elective disciplines such as “Knowledge management and Information systems”, “E-Government”, “E-Governance”, and “E-Business” are taught in economic programs only at IUIT by leading professors from Great Britain and South Korea, by using innovative teaching methods as online learning and distance learning.
The mission of the department is the formation of professional competencies and personal qualities of competitive, creative and innovative thinking, able to implement their knowledge and skills of specialists in the field of IT management and IT finance in the domestic and international labor market based on:
constant modernization of the educational process;
introduction of advanced technologies and techniques;
active research in the field of economics and business;
stimulating interest in creative and research work.
The team of JSC "IITU" took 1st place in the championship for solving business cases "Changellenge Cup-2016"
The team of JSC "IITU" took 2nd place at the national competition of projects Enactus National Expo Kazakhstan 2017
Students of the specialty "Management" took 2nd and 3rd places in the XI Republican Student Olympiad in the specialty "Management"
Students of the specialty "Finance" took 3rd place in the Republican Student Olympiad in the specialty "Finance"