IITU Robocon
the Republican championship on robotics among universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan

This championship was held for the first time in 2019 at the Halyk Arena Ice Palace among 15 student teams from all over Kazakhstan.


General sponsor: Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy.

Additional sponsor: Halyk Bank

Project goal: Promoting the technological advancement of the youth of Kazakhstan for their active involvement in the technological innovation activities and further implementation of their startup projects.

Project description: The IITU Robocon Championship is a competition between teams in robotics based on the Arduino platform. It gives young talents the opportunity to start developing robots “from scratch” (constructing the robots’ mechanics and electronics) to writing a robot intelligence program. The championship is meant to raise the participants’ proficiency level to that suitable for the position of a junior laboratory assistant in any scientific institution specializing in the field of IT, electronics and robotics.


Rules of the game: The playground field measuring 12x12 meters is conditionally divided into two equal halves for the red and blue teams. Each team should create 2 robots of different types: a controlled and an automatic one. The teams play one match lasting for 3 minutes, the winning team is the one which scores more points. Each team must present 2 working robots (based on the Arduino platform, Raspberry Pi or their analogues):

1 manually controlled robot (”the controlled robot”);

1 automatically controlled robot (the “auto robot”).

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