"Shadows" is a creative voluntary dance collective of university students, which was created in order to popularize the culture and traditions of various dance directions and create conditions for creative self—realization of university students. the IT dance club of the university, which lights up at every event. The guys perform not only inside, but also outside the university (one of such exits from the comfort zone was the "U-5" competition from the project "Youthquake.KZ ").
The Shadows dance organization appeared back in 2017 under the supervision of student Bakhytzhanov Taukhan. The first selection and the first performance at the Commencement IITU-2017 are taking place. In the same year, Bayara Amangalieva, the future leader of the organization, Miss IT-2018 and the chief choreographer of Shadows, joins the ranks of the organization. From that moment, thanks to the work and contribution of such students as Niyazova Dilnaz (second leader) and Vladimir Kim (Minister of Culture), our creative path began to develop rapidly. Performance at the futsal championship, robocon, organization of the winter ball, U5, Narxoz Choice Dance and dozens of university events. Now the leaders are Saduakasova Akbota and Turbekov Yerzhan. Our main goal is to go beyond the city and perform on stages of national significance, develop Tik-Tok and Instagram pages.

Наши хореографы - это выпускники и старшекурсники с большим опытом выступлений за спиной:
Бахтыбаев Жумабек - экс-лидер и тренер Hip-hop
Керимова Лаура - High heels
Амангалиева Баяра - Waaking
Уланов Жаннат - тренер Popping
INSTAGRAM - Официальный Instagram-аккаунт организации
TIK-TOK - Официальная TIK-TOK страница SHADOWS