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On October 24, 2023, in honor of the 15th anniversary of MIIT, a meeting of graduates of the first edition of the university in 2013 was held - a meeting of Alumni Alumni Association.

MUIT graduates presented their reports, talking about their work, startup management and shared important practical knowledge.

Those who wished had the opportunity to ask questions to the creators of such projects as: "Sxodim", "1Fit", "Dara Solutions", "Tredo" and "Qalan".

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On October 24, 2023, in honor of the 15th anniversary of the IITU, the "AI/ML Day" event was held - Eldan Abdirashim spoke to the students of the IITU.

At the meeting, Eldan Abdrashim, who works as a developer at Microsoft in Barcelona, spoke about his activities and startups, and also shared his experience.

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On October 31, 2022, a meeting was held with a Senior Java developer at Google, Aman Utemuratov.

During the event, Aman shared his experience and achievements as a Senior Developer at Google. The participants of the meeting learned about the latest trends in the world of Java development, as well as how to create innovative and highly effective software products.

The students had a unique opportunity to ask questions, share their experiences and get valuable advice from an experienced professional.

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On October 27, 2022, a meeting was held with a graduate of 2017, director of the Thousand IT company - Aybolat Kulatai.

At the meeting, Aybolat shared his experience and successes in the field of information technology and entrepreneurship. The conference participants gained valuable knowledge by hearing about the difficulties and success in the industry. The conversation with Aybolit became an inspiring and informative experience for students and graduates who attended the meeting.


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In honor of the 15th anniversary of the IITU, a meeting was held with a graduate of the IITU: Aibek Rahim, director of the ECOSEN company, shared his success story with students.

ECOSEN is an innovative company specializing in creating environmentally friendly solutions for a sustainable future. Aybek spoke about his path to success, starting with his studies at MIIT, where he received not only technical skills, but also important leadership and entrepreneurship skills.

ECOSAN is actively working on projects aimed at improving the environmental situation, and Aibek encouraged students of the IITU and young professionals to join their mission.

We are proud of our graduates and grateful to them for their contribution to the development of society. May Aybek's story be an inspiration for all of us!  

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In honor of the 15th anniversary of IITU, on March 12, 2024, a meeting was held with Shaman Utemuratov, a Senior Software Engineer at Google and a proud graduate of IITU 2013! 🌟

It was a unique event where IITU students had the opportunity to meet with an experienced developer and hear about his career path at Google. We discussed many interesting topics in the field of development and IT, shared our experience and established new contacts with industry professionals. 🤝

Thanks to Aman, we learned about the latest trends and innovations in the IT world, which gave us valuable knowledge and inspiration for our future in this exciting field. 🚀

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The Department of Media Communications and History of Kazakhstan expresses its gratitude to all participants of the master class "Mediadagi mansap: Oku. The lady. Osu", which was held in honor of the anniversary of JSC International University of Information Technologies. The event was successful and brought a lot of useful information about the world of digital journalism, digital strategies in the media, and professional skills of a modern journalist.

Special thanks and recognition are expressed to Nazira Kasymbek for an interesting and informative master class. Her knowledge and experience in the field of media helped the participants to better understand how modern technologies affect the information space and the thinking of a modern person.

The Department of MiIK and JSC MUIT remain leaders in the field of education and training of specialists in the field of IT, digital journalism and digital economy. We are happy to share our knowledge and experience with our students and partners and continue to improve our activities to reach new heights in the field of media communications and information technology.

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