The editorial Board asks authors to follow the following rules when preparing articles for publication in the journal.

Articles in Kazakh, Russian and English, previously unpublished articles are accepted for publication.

  1. Requirements for the design of articles

The volume of the article, including the list of references, tables and figures with captions, abstracts, should not exceed 10 pages of printed text. The minimum length of the article for technical areas is 5-7 pages.

The editorial Board must submit an electronic version of the article in full accordance with the printout. The file name must begin with the first author's last name, and the number of co-authors must not exceed 5 people.

The pages of the article should be numbered.

Enter the UDC code.

The text of the article must be submitted on paper, as well as in the format .doc, .docx (MS WORD) of any version. The electronic version is submitted on an electronic medium or sent by e-mail:

Text font: Times New Roman, size 14 PT, line spacing-single. A4 paper size (210*297 mm). Width alignment. Paragraph indent-1.0 cm. Margins: upper – 2, lower – 2, left – 3, right – 1.5. Hyphenation is not allowed. Tables, figures, and formulas should not contain discrepancies in the designation of symbols or signs.

Figures should be clear and clean. Figures and tables should be referenced in the text. The number of formulas in the text should be minimal. Formulas must be typed in the appropriate editor (for mathematical and chemical formulas).

Tables must be titled, and they must not contain empty graphs.

Abbreviations and symbols should be explained in the note.

Illustrative materials are presented in the following formats: for photos, figures – png or jpg (300 dpi for black-and-white and colorful), graphs, charts. The author's last name, article title, and figure number are indicated below the illustration. Illustrations can be placed in the text.

At the end of the article, the manuscript is signed by all authors. The ARTICLE BEGINS in English (Abstract). In the beginning, in the middle of the page, initials and surnames of authors are given in the usual bold, then on the next line – organization name(s) in which the work was done, city, country, then on a new line - E-mail addresses of authors, article's title in uppercase bold letters, then on the next line-the abstract itself (Abstract). Keywords are indented.

Then comes the UDC of the article and the abstract in the language in which the article is written.

  1. The abstract is a summary of the content of a scientific work, giving a general idea of its purpose, research methods and conclusions.
  2. Keywords should provide the most complete disclosure of the content of the article. For each specific article, set 5-6 keywords in order of their significance, i.e. the most important keyword of the article should be the first in the list. Careless or incorrect compilation of the list will lead to the fact that these requests will bring to the site extraneous users who are not interested in your work. Authors, information about authors, title of the article, abstract and keywords are indicated in the language of writing the article.
  3. The text of the article. The author is responsible for providing original and reliable information. Plagiarism is not allowed in articles. The structure of the article should be presented as follows:

- Introduction-should include an explanation of why this study was conducted, a review of current literature, and the choice of research methodology.

- Methods-description of ongoing research.

- Results – results obtained during the research.

- Discussion – conclusions regarding the obtained results (including whether they correspond to the expectations or not). If the research was carried out within the framework of a funded project or initiative topic, please indicate this at the end of the article.

The list of references should consist of 10 or more titles, and should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 " Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.

Information about the authors

The manuscript is accompanied by:

1) information about each of the authors of the article indicating the surname, first name, middle name; academic degree; academic title; main place of work; position; home, office or mobile phone numbers; e - mail and postal addresses (for communication with the editorial office);

2) information about who of the co-authors should be addressed the questions and answers to. Secretary and / or send proofreading.

Attention! Articles written in violation of the rules or containing a large number of grammatical and spelling errors, automatic translation into English, are not accepted by the editorial board and will be returned to the authors without their consideration on the merits.

The editorial board has the right to request additional experimental data from the authors if necessary.

Regardless of the results of the initial review, the article can be rejected or returned for revision at any stage of the work if gross errors, extensive borrowings or wrong citations are found.

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