Publication activity is the most important criterion for the effectiveness of scientific organizations, authors and scientific journals. Publication activity is the result of the scientific research activity of the author, the team, embodied in the form of a scientific publication - is evaluated by indicators:

  • number of publications;
  • "citation index" (citation for each publication);
  • the impact factor of the journal where the work is published.

The publication activity and productivity of authors, organizations and journals are measured using scientometric indicators.

To analyze the publication activity of the global scientific stream, there are international and domestic citation databases (systems).

The most well-known international citation databases are Scopus and Web of Science.


Scopus - is the largest unified database containing annotations and information on the citation of peer–reviewed scientific literature with built-in tools for tracking, analyzing and visualizing data. The database indexes more than 23,500 publications from 5,000 international publishers. More often it is the field of natural, social and humanitarian sciences, technology, medicine and art.

Scopus Author ID - A guide to work Author ID

Journals excluded from Scopus database

List of Scopus journals on Mathematics, Interdisciplinary

List of Scopus journals on Business, Management and Accounting, Economics, Econometrics and Finance

List of Scopus journals on Computer Science, Information Systems and Management

List of Scopus journals on Social Sciences (Miscellaneous), Cultural Studies, Education, Political Science and International Relations, Sociology and Political Science


Web of Science (abbreviated as WoS, formerly ISI Web of Knowledge) is a multidisciplinary platform that helps you quickly find, analyze and provide shared access to information in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, as well as the arts. The user gets integrated access to high-quality literature through a unified platform that links together a wide variety of content and search terms, while creating one common dictionary and one comprehensive search. Developed and provided by subscription by Thomson Reuters.

Author profile in Web of Science ResearcherID


EBSCOhost is an online online reference and bibliographic system available via the Internet or with a direct connection. It provides a wide variety of licensed full-text public databases from leading information providers. A wide range of information resources ranges from general bibliographic collections to specially designed, domain-specific databases for public, academic, medical, and educational libraries.

Academic databases on EBSCOhost

EBSCOhost - Introduction

EBSCOhost - Basic Search

EBSCOhost - Advanced Search - one search field

EBSCOhost - Advanced Search - refinement fields

EBSCOhost - Search on the platform - a short guide

EBSCOhost - Creating log alerts

EBSCOhost - List of results in EBSCOhost

EBSCOhost - Reading articles in EBSCOhost

EBSCOhost - Quoting articles in EBSCOhost

Using thematic terms when searching in EBSCOhost databases

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