international information
technology university


Admission committee for Bachelor's degree

Military Department

Photo of the military department for the website.jpg

The Military Department of JSC "MUIT" was established on December 5, 2018 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 843.

Tasks of the Military Department:

  • development and implementation of modern educational programs for training reserve officers and sergeants, corresponding to modern requirements;
  • organization and conducting joint scientific research with students in the field of ensuring military security of the state;
  • attracting students to military-patriotic work.

Military training of reserve officers is conducted in the following military accounting specialties:

  • "Cybersecurity";
  • "Combat aviation flight control from aviation points";
  • "Combat use of units and parts of unmanned aerial vehicles";
  • "Financial provision".

Military training of reserve sergeants is conducted in the following military accounting specialties:

  • "Staff";
  • "Shortwave radio stations of low power
  • "Work with personnel".


Training for the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reserve officers and reserve sergeants loyal to the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, morally stable, disciplined, able to keep official and state secrets, possessing high ideological and moral qualities, as well as knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful performance of official duties in accordance with with a military accounting specialty.


In the period from 2019 to 2023, 332 students who completed a full course of military training in reserve officer training programs were awarded the military rank of "reserve lieutenant".

138 students who completed a full course of military training in reserve sergeants training programs were awarded the military rank of "junior reserve sergeant".

Address: Almaty, Abaya street 52 "G", business center "Baizak"

Phone for inquiries: +7 (727) 2445105

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