International IT University


Admission committee for Master's degree programs


For citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Admission to the University for tuition on a fee basis and under a state grant is carried out on the basis of an application from citizens in accordance with the points of the certificate issued based on the results of Comprehensive Testing (hereinafter — CT) conducted using technologies developed by the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1. CT is carried out in accordance with the Rules for Conducting comprehensive testing, approved by the Minister of Education by Order No. 190 of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 8, 2019 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 18657).
2. CT is conducted by the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – NCT) at CT sites determined by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
3. According to the CT results, an electronic certificate is issued, which is confirmed on the NTC website.
4. Retake of entrance (creative) exams and CT during the period of their passing is not allowed.
5. Applicants to the master's program in the application indicate one group of educational programs and up to 3 (three) OVPO.

Important dates:

Application deadline:

Summer reception: from June 1 to July 8 of the calendar year in the
information system of the National Testing Center
( );

Winter reception: from October 28 to November 10 of the calendar year in the information system of the National Testing Center

Deadlines for the comprehensive exam:

Summer reception: from July 20 to August 10 of the calendar year.

Winter reception: from November 18 to December 11 of the calendar year.

Terms of enrollment:

Summer reception: from August 15th to 28th of the calendar year.

Winter reception: from December 26 to January 10 of the calendar year.

The CT certificate conducted between July 20 and August 10 is valid until December 1 of the calendar year.

The CT certificate conducted between November 18 and August 10 is valid until March 1 of the calendar year.

The cost of CT participation is 14,693 tenge.

The applicant for the master's degree in the application indicates a group of educational programs and three educational programs.

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