IITU experts gave new comments on the lessons on the Akelius platform

In January 2022, IITU experts continued to comment on the lessons on the Akelius platform, intended for children who arrived in Kazakhstan and found themselves in a difficult life situation.

A joint project with Akelius, UNICEF and IITU is being implemented in 9 schools in Kazakhstan., Special groups have been created for children who do not speak Russian, in which students can develop their digital skills and improve their literacy levels. Teachers at the pilot schools conduct classes in groups of students of different ages. Children are given the opportunity to learn the language from scratch – levels are available on the platform, starting from A.0.

“Together with the pilot schools, comments on the level A2 of the Russian language course for children aged 5-17 on the Akelius platform were identified and prepared for developers,” said the project coordinator Zhannura Manapbayeva.


Commenting on the lessons on the platform is necessary, since there are errors in agreement, tautology, lexical and speech errors in the materials. IITU experts identify these errors and help improve the course.

“Some examples on the platform are inappropriate in terms of the speech norm. For example, the phrase "Мы печём мясо" contains an error, because we usually use the verb печь with пирог and печень. The word хлеб is used with выпекать, while мясо, курица, картофель, рыба are used with запекать. Another phrase “Мы кипятим чайник, когда готовим чай,” contains a tautology. The phrases “Я чищу зубы около раковины” and “Я мою волосы” should be changed to “над раковиной” and “мою голову”, respectively. The phrase “Полотенца мокрые, им нужно высушиться” is also inappropriate. The right thing is: их надо высушить. The verb высушиться is a vernacular, its use is a mistake,” say the IITU experts.

Comments contain not only an indication of the error and options for correcting it, but also tips that will help teachers better explain the material.

“The question “Какая сегодня дата?” requires teacher comment. It is assumed that we are talking about a solemn event, a special day. In the lessons at school more frequently used phrase is Какой сегодня день? Какое сегодня число?” say the IITU experts.

Commenting on lessons on the platform continues. The project is expected to be implemented in February 2023. According to calculations, at least 250 children will have studied on the course by that time.

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