7M06101 -Software Engineering

Program description

The master level educational program «Software Engineering» is aimed at training researchers in the field of software engineering, managers in the field of software development, highly qualified developers of software and information systems and architects of software systems.

During the period of study postgraduate students will master such courses as:

- Advanced programming

- Advanced database technology

- Parallel computing

- Advanced Artificial Intelligence

- Operations research and optimization methods

- Software development management and reengineering

- Machine learning and computer statistics

- Methods and technologies for big data processing

By the end of the training, postgraduate students will have the following skills of:

- formulizing and solving problems arising in the course of research activities

- improving software products to increase their competitiveness and efficiency at all stages of the life cycle

- developing software architecture with a high level of continuity and quality of complex software

- optimizing software development process

- system analysis for solving complex technical problems and applying the analysis results for the greatest optimization of the software product development process

With the help of acquired knowledge and qualifications, graduates will be able to occupy the following leading positions in enterprises and organizations of the corresponding field:

- Researcher at a research institute

- University teacher

- Software development team leader

- Software development project manager

- Lead software developer

- Software Architect

- Lead data analyst

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