6B06106 Computer Systems and Software Engineering

Program description

The educational program «Computer Systems and Software Engineering» prepares specialists of a wide profile in the field of software development for any areas of human activity. Within the framework of this educational program, students will have the opportunity to specialize in one of the narrowly focused areas of ICT sphere: Preparation for this educational program includes courses that form competencies in the field of advanced software development, data analysis and machine learning, network technologies, robotic systems and visual computing.

During the period of study students will master such courses as:

- Algorithms and data structures

- Object-oriented programming

- System level programming

- Programming in Python

- Database design

- Software architecture and design

- Fundamentals of information security

- Introduction to computer networks

- Introduction to robotics

- Introduction to data science

During the 3rd and 4th year students will study additional courses that correspond to the chosen specialization.

By the end of the training, students will have the following skills of:

- using the modern information and communication technology in professional activities

- formulizing the project subject area and development of specifications for software product components

- designing software architecture

- designing and developing user interfaces, software components, databases, and embedded software modules

- designing, configuring and operation of computer systems and networks

- analyzing various types of data, applying knowledge extraction methods

- designing, development and operation of robotic systems

- developing three-dimensional visualizations using augmented and virtual reality technologies

With the help of acquired knowledge and qualifications, graduate will be able to occupy the following leading positions in enterprises and organizations of the corresponding field:

- Software and information systems developer

- Software architect

- Engineer for automated control systems

- System analyst

- System administrator

- System architect

- Network administrator

- Network engineer

- Data analyst

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