Summer School on Artificial Intelligence

JSC "International University of Information Technologies" jointly with the "University Alliance of Science and Technology" with the support of the Public Foundation "NNEF" holds a Summer School on Artificial Intelligence.

The Summer School will be held from 20 to 27 June 2024 in Almaty. The format is offline.

Main tracks of the Summer School:

Track 1: "AI Essentials" - general AI issues, history and development, basic concepts and approaches.

Track 2: "Cognitive technologies" - basics of cognitive psychology, role of cognitive technologies and computing in AI development, modelling of human thinking, use of cognitive models in AI.

Track 3: "Natural Language" - natural language processing, contextual analysis, speech generation and recognition, speech processing.

Track 4: "AI in Education and Science" - use of AI in educational activities, increasing the productivity of scientific research with AI, liability and risk issues in the application of AI in science and education.

Track 5: "Blockchain" - Blockchain technology, management of smart contracts with AI, development of autonomous agents based on blockchain, fraud and anomaly detection in blockchain transactions, impact of AI and blockchain integration on economy and business.

As part of the Summer School, on 20 June 2024, a Round Table "AI: Innovation, Transformation and Forecasts" will be organised. Leading specialists in the field of artificial intelligence will discuss the prospects for the development and use of AI in education. The event will become a platform for exchange of experience and ideas on the issues of training AI specialists for the modern labour market. The format of the event is mixed.

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