Innovative learning practices of IITU and UNICEF

On October 23, an important meeting was held at IITU with Tshering Peldon, Coordinator of the Akelius Initiative in the Kingdom of Bhutan, and Damir Kozhanbaev, UNICEF Education Coordinator, on the project “Methodological support at the central level to improve language skills and learning achievement of children in migration processes and children in need of knowledge replenishment programs”.

The project, developed by the JSC " IITU" Languages Department, will aim to organize regular training for school teachers on the Akelius course, with a focus on blended learning, classroom management and learning assessment. It is also planned to analyze the progress of children and teachers using the developed evaluation form.

This meeting was an opportunity to discuss key aspects of the initiative's implementation and develop strategies for successful implementation of the learning methods. We are confident that joint efforts will help to improve children's educational outcomes and support their development!

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