Graduation 2024

The International Information Technology University (IITU) trained more than one thousand new specialists in the field of Information Technology. Recently, IITU held the 11th Graduation Ceremony of Students - among the graduates are future application, website and program developers, engineers, data analysts, information security specialists and journalists.

IITU offers training in various areas, including Information Technology, Information Security, Telecommunications, Management and Administration, Finance and Journalism. Today, graduates of these programs received their long-awaited diplomas.

This year, IITU created its eleventh cohort of highly qualified personnel. Among them are 1048 graduates, of which 982 are bachelors, and 66 are masters. It is noteworthy that 103 bachelors received a diploma with distinction.

Most graduates are already successfully employed in large IT companies, banks and media organizations, such as: Air Astana, Halyk Bank, Yandex, Khabar, Alash Media Group. According to the results of the last academic year, IITU is in the TOP 5 in the ranking of Atameken - the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs in the field of Information and Communication Technology - the employment rates of the graduates, their salaries and the job search duration were considered.

This achievement demonstrates the high demand for graduates and the popularity of the International Information Technology University in the domestic and foreign markets.

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