EMA REMC Seminar: New Perspectives on the use of AI

On September 30, the International University of Information Technologies organized an off-site seminar-meeting of the RUMS Training and Methodological Association for ICT and IS on the topic “Artificial Intelligence: Time of Effective Applications” in Kyzylorda Korkyt Ata University.

The staff of Kyzylorda Korkyt Ata University headed by the Chairman of the Board-Rector B.S. Karimova familiarized the participants of the event with the achievements of its new AI Institute, which was opened within the framework of partnership with Seoul National University of Science and Technology.

Chairman of the Board-Rector of IUIT Isakhov A.A. in his speech emphasized the importance of the Interuniversity Standard on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, developed by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and noted that HEDNC of the Republic of Kazakhstan began to actively implement AI in educational and scientific activities, where there are already positive results.

In her speech, Gulzhan Sagidullaevna Dzharasova, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Science and Education of the RK, who outlined the strategic priorities in the development of engineering education and set tasks for the participants to fulfill the Roadmap for the implementation of AI in higher and postgraduate education.

Representatives of universities and technology companies also spoke at the meeting: Kulmurzaev N.S. (Korkyt Ata KU), Lin Tingyu (Huawei), Chettykbaev R.K. (D.Serikbayev EKTU), Kaz Kazan State University (Korkyt Ata KU). Kazbekova J.B. (IITU), Konurova J.T. (D.Serikbayev EKTU), Kyzylbaev N.K. (Satpayev University), Gertsen E.A. (JSC “Otbasy Bank”), Mustafina A.K. (IITU).

During the seminar the integration of smart technologies in various areas of life, solutions of technology companies in the field of AI were actively discussed. The peculiarity of the event is its practical part. The participants of the session focused on working with generative artificial intelligence, developing skills of creating effective queries and verifying data received from the system. Special attention was paid to the analysis of educational programs with the help of AI.

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