Silver University: Mastering the digital world together
Silver University: Mastering the digital world together

In today's world, where technology plays a crucial role in everyday life, people of all ages strive to keep up to date with the latest innovations and know how to use modern devices. It is for this purpose that the unique Silver University program was created, aimed at successful adaptation of people of silver age to modern life, their self-education and self-improvement.

We are proud that for the third year in a row we have been recruiting silver age students, and during this time more than 170 people have been trained, mastering new technologies and opportunities. One of the key courses held as part of the program was "Smartphone to You!". IITU hosted classes where our trainees learned how to use smartphones and popular applications such as Yandex, Kaspi.Kz, ONAY, WhatsApp and eGov.

During the course, participants learned how to use all the functionalities of these applications and dealt with issues of interest on a daily basis. By the end of the course, the program became very rich and fruitful, and our trainees became confident users of modern technologies.

This year the program was supplemented with a new training - "Mobilography for the Silver Age". This training is aimed at helping our trainees to master the art of creating high-quality photos and videos using a smartphone. Participants learned various techniques and methods that will help them capture important moments of their lives at the highest level.

Silver University continues its mission to increase digital literacy among silver age people. We believe in making digital literacy accessible to everyone! We work to ensure that every person of this age can feel confident in the digital world.

Our courses not only help to master new technologies, but also promote the development of social connections, self-esteem and independence of our students. After all, knowing and being able to use modern technologies opens up new opportunities and horizons for them.

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