№ |
Applicant's name |
Quota |
Year |
Educational program |
Note |
1 |
Ерболат Дилназ Талғатқызы |
3,28 |
1 |
6B06119 Information technology in business |
There's a statement |
2 |
Бачурин Владимир Владимирович |
3,27 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
3 |
Полевщиков Закария Закариевич |
3,23 |
1 |
6B06110 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
4 |
Цой Константин Андреевич |
3,21 |
1 |
6B06106 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
5 |
Шмельков Максим Рашидович |
3,19 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
6 |
Абильдин Дәулет Қанатұлы |
2nd highest |
3,27 |
1 |
6B06101 Computer Science |
There's a statement |
7 |
Доброванов Константин Сергеевич |
3,04 |
1 |
6B06106 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
8 |
Касымов Ильмурат Шахмуратович |
2,97 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
9 |
Хан Сергей Анатольевич |
2,89 |
1 |
6B06106 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
10 |
Исабекова Айяна Сабитовна |
2,83 |
1 |
6B06103 Big Data Analytics |
Qazaqstan Halkyna |
11 |
Абдувалиев Расул Нурмаметович |
2,82 |
1 |
6B06107 Cyberphysical Systems |
There's a statement |
12 |
Махметова Айя Даулетовна |
2,79 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
13 |
Чикризов Михаил Александрович |
2,73 |
1 |
6B06112 Data science |
There's a statement |
14 |
Заурбаева Айя Талгатовна |
2,67 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
15 |
Зейнолла Елжан Бақытбекұлы |
2,62 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
16 |
Мырзакулов Сырым Бахытұлы |
2,61 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
17 |
Тохтахунов Акрам Расулович |
2,56 |
1 |
6B06101 Computer Science |
There's a statement |
18 |
Марат Аблай Нурланұлы |
2,55 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
19 |
Қаби Ажар Бауржанқызы |
2,55 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
20 |
Назарова Милана Бахтияровна |
2,43 |
1 |
6B06101 Computer Science |
There's a statement |
21 |
Ким Виктор Романович |
2,19 |
1 |
6B06110 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
22 |
Власенко Данила Викторович |
2,15 |
1 |
6B06103 Big Data Analytics |
There's a statement |
23 |
Шейх Ясмина Тахир |
3,77 |
1 |
6B06110 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
24 |
Пинекер Владислав Дмитриевич |
3,67 |
1 |
6B06110 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
25 |
Уминский Павел Дмитриевич |
3,43 |
1 |
6B06110 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
26 |
Ахметжанов Самир Рустамович |
3,4 |
1 |
6B06110 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
27 |
Кутлуков Равиль Касымжанович |
3,33 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
28 |
Қантай Әділет Азаматұлы |
2,97 |
1 |
6B06110 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
29 |
Купесбай Әділбек Айдарбекұлы |
1,58 |
1 |
6B06105 Information Systems |
There's a statement |
30 |
Екібаев Рамазан Аманкелдіұлы |
1,08 |
1 |
6B06112 Data science |
Qazaqstan Halkyna |
№ |
Applicant's full name |
Quota |
Year |
Note |
1 |
Султаналиев Димаш Муратович |
3,6 |
1 |
There's a statement |
2 |
Нусупбеков Мухаммед Серикулы |
3,57 |
1 |
There's a statement |
3 |
Тулеубаев Алихан Алишерулы |
3,20 |
1 |
There's a statement |
4 |
Адильханов Джохангир Адильханович |
3,08 |
1 |
There's a statement |
5 |
Садыкбеков Данияр Максутович |
2,96 |
1 |
application will be |
6 |
Жакен Алемхан Ерланұлы |
2,81 |
1 |
There's a statement |
7 |
Темуралиев Амирхан |
2,73 |
1 |
There's a statement |
8 |
Якубов Жан Андреевич |
2,8 |
1 |
Kazakhstan Halkyna |
9 |
Дя Андрей Сергеевич |
2,72 |
1 |
There's a statement |
10 |
Купесбаев Искандер Асылбекович |
2,61 |
1 |
Kazakhstan Halkyna |
11 |
Какенов Али Багдатулы |
2,14 |
1 |
There's a statement |
12 |
Альжан Амирбек Мухтарұлы |
1,65 |
1 |
There's a statement |
13 |
Айкимбаев Максат Тимурович |
3,05 |
1 |
There's a statement |
14 |
Мушрапилов Ришат Ринатович |
2,57 |
1 |
There's a statement |
№ |
Full name of applicants |
Quota |
Average grade point average for the whole period of study |
Year |
Educational program |
Statement |
Note |
1 |
Мухаметжан Аружан Дәулетқызы |
3,13 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
2 |
Шадияров Армат Сұлтанбекұлы |
3,31 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
3 |
Тулеулов Сұлтан Темирханұлы |
3,26 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
4 |
Кенжеев Нұрислам Қазтайұлы |
3,18 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
5 |
Молдабекова Ақбота Маратқызы |
3,18 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
6 |
Молдабаев Алиби Алматович |
3,16 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
7 |
Садыр Саламат Адилжанұлы |
3,16 |
2 |
6B06101-Computer Science. |
There's a statement |
academic difference |
8 |
Турганбай Алишер Ергайпұлы |
3,59 |
2 |
6B06101-Computer Science. |
There's a statement |
academic difference |
9 |
Шаймардан Ерқұт Шаймуратұлы |
3,08 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
10 |
Елтаев Нұрболат Талғатұлы |
3,08 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
11 |
Аркинов Жанболат Дәулетұлы |
3,07 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
12 |
Бақытжан Абылай |
3,03 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
13 |
Жеңіс Ернұр Мелісұлы |
3,03 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
14 |
Айтқұлов Бекарыс Орынбекұлы |
3,02 |
2 |
6B06106-Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
15 |
Миронов Тимур Анатольевич |
3,01 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
16 |
Кенжегали Дильназ Амиржанқызы |
2,96 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
17 |
Мухаметгалиев Алихан Нариманович |
2,95 |
2 |
6B06106-Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
18 |
Достай Ескендір Серікұлы |
2,93 |
2 |
6B06101-Computer Science. |
There's a statement |
19 |
Ғалымжан Ислам |
2,93 |
2 |
6B06106-Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
20 |
Сембекова Камилла Рахатқызы |
2,91 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
21 |
Асетов Дан Асетович |
2,89 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
22 |
Самбет Нұрдәулет Сүндетұлы |
2,87 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
23 |
Султанбеков Жалгас Канатович |
2,85 |
2 |
6B06106-Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
24 |
Ларкович Даниил Сергеевич |
2,84 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
25 |
Маханов Альберт Мирбекович |
2,81 |
2 |
6B06112-Data science |
There's a statement |
26 |
Майтанов Санжар Бекетұлы |
2,77 |
2 |
6B06101-Computer Science. |
There's a statement |
27 |
Оразалин Жансултан Ержанулы |
2,77 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
28 |
Тоқтар Алдияр Қайратұлы |
2,67 |
2 |
6B06101-Computer Science. |
There's a statement |
29 |
Дандаев Шамхан Исаевич |
2,67 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
30 |
Ереханов Қурбанбек Улугбекұлы |
2,66 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
31 |
Өскенбай Нурсултан Мұхаметжанұлы |
2,65 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
32 |
Аскаров Инсар Еркинович |
2,61 |
2 |
6B06112-Data science |
There's a statement |
33 |
Есеева Алтынай Теміржанқызы |
2,61 |
2 |
6B06104 - Business Analysis |
There's a statement |
34 |
Хван Артём Андреевич |
2,6 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
35 |
Жақсылық Марлен Нұрланұлы |
2,54 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
36 |
Абишев Ерасыл Ершатұлы |
2,53 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
37 |
Жұмабеков Нұрдәулет Қуанышұлы |
2,49 |
2 |
6B06112-Data science |
There's a statement |
38 |
Нәсіп Жәнібек Еркінұлы |
2,46 |
2 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
39 |
Бүтінбай Елболат Дулатұлы |
1,73 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
40 |
Горкушкин Серкан Сердар Оглы |
3,43 |
2 |
6B06106-Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
41 |
Тасбулатова Дайана Сеильбековна |
3,23 |
2 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
42 |
Базарбаев Канапия Нурбакытович |
2,89 |
2 |
6B06106-Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
43 |
Жумадильдин Аслан Жанатулы |
2,77 |
2 |
6B06106-Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
№ |
Full name of applicants |
Quota |
Average grade point average for the whole period of study |
Year |
Educational program |
Statement |
Note |
1 |
Тажибаев Арнұр Қайратұлы |
3,1 |
2 |
6B06302-Hardware information protection equipment |
There's a statement |
2 |
Болат Азамат Бауржанұлы |
2,43 |
2 |
6B06303-Network Security |
There's a statement |
3 |
Нуржанов Чингисхан Серикович |
2,33 |
2 |
6B06303-Network Security |
There's a statement |
4 |
Сепбосынов Тамерлан Жаркынович |
2,04 |
2 |
6B06303-Network Security |
There's a statement |
№ |
Full name of applicants |
Average grade point average for the whole period of study |
Year |
Educational Program |
Note |
Availability of the application |
1 |
Алексеева Нургуль Нурбековна |
3,13 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
2 |
Жаксыгарин Жасулан Аскарович |
3,07 |
3 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
3 |
Ма-Шан-Ло Алишер Алимухаметович |
2,62 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
4 |
Наурзбай Шынгыс Маликулы |
2,59 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
5 |
Дурсунов Эльман Яшаевич |
2,59 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
6 |
Қадықан Дінмұхаммед Арманұлы |
2,58 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
7 |
Патшабеков Арыстан Бауыржанович |
2,58 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
8 |
Акишев Арманжан Серикович |
2,58 |
3 |
6B06104 - Business Analysis |
There's a statement |
9 |
Жумагулова Индира Артуровна |
2,47 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
10 |
Харлашин Владимир Константинович |
2,42 |
3 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
11 |
Ахметов Әлнияз Рашитұлы |
2,41 |
3 |
6B06110-Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
12 |
Қуаныш Айбота |
2,40 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
13 |
Халимов Ислам Рустамович |
2,40 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
14 |
Бердіхан Үміт Нұралықызы |
2,29 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
15 |
Акрамханов Алихан Аятович |
2,27 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
16 |
Мананбаев Алем Амангельдыевич |
2,19 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
17 |
Нурлан Аружан |
3,19 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
academic mobility |
There's a statement |
18 |
Хасанов Фарход Шухратович |
2,91 |
3 |
6B06104 - Business Analysis |
non-resident |
There's a statement |
19 |
Қырықбаева Салима Даулетқызы |
2,62 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
Difference |
There's a statement |
20 |
Ануарбек Мұхамед Қуанышбекұлы |
1,81 |
3 |
6B06112-Data science |
F |
There's a statement |
21 |
Мамедгасанов Эльвар Рашид Оглы |
2,89 |
3 |
6B06105-Information Systems |
There's a statement |
№ |
Full name of applicants |
Average grade point average for the whole period of study |
Year |
Educational Program |
Note |
Availability of the application |
1 |
Чванов Вадим Германович |
2,82 |
3 |
6B06303-Network security |
Difference |
There's a statement |
№ |
Full name of applicants |
Average grade point average for the whole period of study |
Year |
Educational Program |
Note |
Availability of the application |
1 |
Жалелова Эльнура Сағатқызы |
3,43 |
3 |
6B04104-Financial Engineering |
There's a statement |
2 |
Акипбек Ақнұр Бейбітқызы |
3,06 |
3 |
6B04105-Financial technologies |
There's a statement |
3 |
Инкербаев Жангир Нурболатович |
3,02 |
3 |
6B04105-Financial technologies |
There's a statement |
4 |
Нурлыбаев Дастан Ержанович |
2,6 |
3 |
6B04105-Financial technologies |
There's a statement |
№ |
Full name of applicants |
Quota |
Average grade point average for the whole period of study |
Year |
Educational program |
Statement |
Note |
1 |
Уали Мирас Болатұлы |
2.84 |
4 |
6B06104 Business Analysis |
There's a statement |
№ |
Full name of applicants |
Quota |
Average grade point average for the whole period of study |
Year |
Educational program |
Statement |
Note |
1 |
Орынбасар Қосай Маратұлы |
2.74 |
4 |
6B06303 Network security |
There's a statement |
№ |
Full name of Applicants |
Average grade point average for the whole period of study |
Year |
Educational program |
Statement |
Note |
1 |
Қуан Нұрмұхаммед Оразғалиұлы |
3,86 |
1 |
7M06101 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
2 |
Бүйтек Баян Қазыбекбиқызы |
3,8 |
1 |
7M06104 IT Project Management |
There's a statement |
3 |
Мырзабаева Аяулым Ерболовна |
3,75 |
1 |
7M06104 IT Project Management |
There's a statement |
4 |
Туржанов Умітхан Мұратұлы |
3,75 |
1 |
7M06101 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
5 |
Отегенов Даурен Муратович |
3,74 |
1 |
7M06101 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
6 |
Консбаев Алмас Ермекұлы |
3,68 |
1 |
7M06110 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
7 |
Оленников Ярослав Евгеньевич |
3,64 |
1 |
7M06101 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
8 |
Қозыхан Едіге Еділұлы |
3,53 |
1 |
7M06110 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
9 |
Макеев Алибек |
3,53 |
1 |
7M06110 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
10 |
Бхат Фардин |
3,40 |
1 |
7M06110 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
11 |
Иткулов Данияр Маратович |
3,32 |
1 |
7M06101 Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
12 |
Еркін Шыңғыс Қайратұлы |
3,21 |
1 |
7M06104 Управление IT-проектами |
There's a statement |
13 |
Нурғалым Әділ Берікұлы |
3,12 |
1 |
7M06110 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
14 |
Утегенов Ержан Бакытжанович |
3,11 |
1 |
7M06104 IT Project Management |
There's a statement |
15 |
Даузов Ибрагим Хусаинович |
3,03 |
1 |
7M06103 Business Analysis |
There's a statement |
16 |
Бахитқызы Нұргүл |
2,93 |
1 |
7M06104 IT Project Management |
There's a statement |
17 |
Касенов Мансур Рахимович |
2,74 |
1 |
7M06106 Data Science |
There's a statement |
18 |
Чирчикбаев Алибек Бакытович |
2,59 |
1 |
7M06110 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
№ |
Ф.И.О. Претендентов |
Средний балл успеваемости за весь период обучения |
Курс |
Образовательная программа |
Заявление |
Примечание |
1 |
Марипова Жасмин Болотбековна |
3,33 |
2 |
7M06110 Computer Science and Software Engineering |
There's a statement |
2 |
Бекенов Асхат Бекенұлы |
2,95 |
2 |
7M06103 Business analysis |
There's a statement |