Congratulations to the graduates on the completion of their studies and defence of their diploma theses

Dear IITU graduates!

We congratulate you on graduation and defence of your diploma theses. The time is approaching when you will leave the university as diploma holders and start your professional journey.

For a number of years, the IITU graduation has been held on a mass scale, on a single day outside the university. The event was attended by more than a thousand graduates, about two thousand of their parents and friends. It should be noted that this was accompanied not only by considerable financial expenditure on renting premises, ensuring security and decorating the event, but also by certain inconveniences for the participants and complaints from the landlords, students and their parents.

Taking into account different opinions and suggestions, the experience of organising the awarding of previous years, it was decided to hold the event in the university. We aim to provide equal opportunities for all and to avoid additional costs for students. Perhaps, someone is not satisfied with it, we emphasise that the decision is weighted, consolidated and we ask to treat it with understanding and respect. In this context, it is important to note that together we are laying down a new university tradition - the awarding of diplomas in our native Alma Mater. We are confident that it will become one of the most important events for IITU students and will strengthen the university's bond with its alumni.

We remind you that the graduation ceremony will take place between 1 and 4 July 2024. This significant event will be attended by guests of honour, teachers and the university administration. The schedule of the conferment can be found at the link.

You can come to the awarding ceremony with your parents and relatives, close friends. We will try to ensure comfortable conditions for everyone during the event, festive decorations and solemnity of the moment of receiving the IITU diploma. There will be a photo zone where you can take a memorable photo with your relatives and fellow students, record video congratulations.

All graduates will be provided with robes. To do this, you need to come in advance one hour before the start of the awarding in 301 auditorium (entrance from the side of Zhandosova Street). It is necessary to have an ID card.

We look forward to seeing you at the graduation!

With respect,

Committee on Youth Affairs

and administration of IITU

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