Students majoring in "Digital Journalism" and "International Journalism and Internet Security" now have the opportunity to study for a semester at one of the best universities in the United States - Rhodes College.
The International University of Information Technologies in cooperation with the Ministry of Information and Culture, Rhodes College (USA) and A. Mickiewicz University (Poland), held a unique 72-hour seminar for current journalists of Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 on "Social Media Analysis: Content Safety Issues".
Speakers, world experts in the field of media communications - Nikos Zachariadius and Bartosz Hordecki, as well as Professors Tungatarova Lyazzat and Mukan Saken, shared knowledge about manipulation technologies in social networks, new trends and legislation.
Topics covered include social media safety, media manipulation and new EU internet regulation laws. Informative not only for students, but also for industry professionals!