Results of "InsureTechHackaton" by Halyk-Life

On January 27 and 28, Halyk-Life held the largest hackathon "InsureTechHackaton" at KBTU for students of technical universities in Almaty.

What is "InsureTechHackaton"?

InsureTechHackaton is a key event aimed at identifying and supporting talented IT students, designed to stimulate the emergence of new ideas in IT technology in the insurance industry.

More than 60 teams consisting of more than 220 students applied for the hackathon. Of these, 23 teams successfully demonstrated the results of their thematic developments.

The jury

The winners were determined by an expert jury consisting of special independent representatives from the sphere of IT technologies:

  1. Anuarbekova Linara - Chairman of the Board of State Credit Bureau JSC.
  2. Rashid Dyusembayev - Director of AlmaU Corporate Innovation Lab.
  3. Marat Meirov - Managing Director for IT of "KMF", the country's largest microfinance organization.

По результатам рассмотрения прототипов и концепций участников хакатона были определены 4 команды победителей, которые помимо признания и приглашения на стажировку получили денежное вознаграждение от АО «Халык-Life»:

Команда Pixel2Protocol (МУИТ) в составе Махматов Руслан Маусырович, Нуршанов Диас Салимжанулы, Адилов Диас Улыкбекулы, Аляуов Ерасыл Есболатулы заняла 2 место (400 000 тг)

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