IITU hosted a “Courage Lesson” timed to coincide with the upcoming holidays “Defender of the Fatherland Day” and “WWII Victory Day”.

May 3, 2024 by the forces of the military department of JSC “IITU” was held military-patriotic event - “Lesson of Courage”, timed to the upcoming holidays “Day of Defender of the Fatherland” and “Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War”.

The purpose of the lesson was military-patriotic education of the younger generation in the spirit of glorious traditions of service to the Motherland of our heroic ancestors and current generations, as the history of Kazakhstan is permeated with examples of true patriotism, military valor and selflessness.

The management and staff of the University, veterans of the Armed Forces, soldiers-internationalists, students of the military department were invited to the event.

Retired Colonel Tursynbek Taukeshevich Torekhanov, veteran of war, labor and Armed Forces, holder of the Order of “Red Star” and the medal “For Combat Merit” spoke about the importance of preserving peace and independence, loyalty to military duty.

After the solemn part and the speech of the guests of honor, there was a concert organized by the forces of the military department, where musical numbers with national instruments were presented, poems and songs dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War were sounded.

The event ended with a memorable photo session.

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