Meeting with a graduate of IITU working in Meta - Galymzhan Kenzhetaev.

Within the framework of "Digital Nomads", INO Center organizes a meeting with a representative of Meta, a graduate of IITU🧑🏻🎓😍

On Friday, we invite everyone to a meeting with Galymzhan Kenzhetaev - software engineer from Meta London, where you can ask all the questions you are interested in!

📆 Date: December 9

🕰 Time: 16.00

📍 Zoom

Link to join: ?pwd=L3lqVC9hTlAwNkFwNmlOSVVFODhVQT09

Conference ID: 849 4458 3122

Access code: 664069

Don't miss the meeting - find out about the success story of our graduate! 😉

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