Dual degree program with UHasselt for IITU doctoral students

Dear IITU doctoral students!

We are pleased to inform you about the possibility of obtaining a double degree within the framework of a joint program with the University of Hasselt (UHasselt), Belgium. Within the framework of this program you have a unique opportunity to work on your doctoral thesis simultaneously in two universities and receive two diplomas on the results of the defense.

Main conditions of participation in the program:

- Each doctoral student will have two supervisors - one from each university.

- The program assumes a mandatory stay in each of the universities for at least 6 months (the stay may not be consecutive).

- There will be an individual contract for each doctoral student.

- At Hasselt University, a registration fee of about 557 euros will be required for the first academic year and for the final year (defense year).

- The doctoral student writes one thesis in English and undergoes one public defense (usually at his/her main university).

- The composition of the committee for the public defense will be agreed and approved according to the requirements of both universities.

- Upon successful defense, each of the universities will issue a diploma to the doctoral student, which will be accompanied by information about the partner university.

To participate in the rogram, please fill out the google form https://forms.gle/qwbuUbbhejvkMJTt5 .

Don't miss the chance to expand your academic horizons and become a double degree holder!

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