Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, UiTM Shah Alam and Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia is co-organizing the 2nd International Conference on Information Security and Computer Technology (ICISCT 2021) which formerly known as ICAIS2020 (International Conference of Advanced Information Security). The theme for this year conference is "Securing Remote Connectivity".

The event will be held Online via Cisco Webex Platform on 24-25 July 2021.
The conference is a good platform for researchers, academicians, students and industry players to share their knowledge and research with fellow colleagues in the Information Technology / Computer Technology / Cyber Security field. The keynote of the conference will be delivered by three esteemed industry player and researcher:

Ts. Dr Aswami Fadillah Bin Mohd Ariffin
Senior Vice President
Cyber Security Malaysia

Dr. Ir. Budi Rahardjo
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung - Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Prof. Ts. Dr Salman Yussof
Department of Computing
UNITEN - Malaysia
We welcome submission but not limited to these following topics:
* IoT Security & Privacy
* Internet Of Things
* Artificial Intelligence
* Mobile Application
* Data Security & Privacy
* Mobile Platform & Application Security
* Computer & Software Security
* Blockchain
* Cyber Crime
* Network Security
* Risk Management & Compliance
* Secure Application Development
* Privacy and Anonymity
* Industrial Control System (ICS) Security
* Digital Forensics
* Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering
* Securing IT System and Processes
* Cloud Security
* Email and Web Security
* Cryptography
* Identity & Access Management
* Other Related information security and computer technology topics
Accepted paper will be invited to present at the conference and will be published in the following journal:
- International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (e-ISSN: 2210-142X) Scopus Indexed
- Journal Solid State Technology (e-ISSN: 0038-111X) Scopus Indexed
Important Date:
Last Date for Paper Submission: 3 May 2021
Acceptance Notification: 14 June 2021
Conference Date: 24 & 25 July 2021
For more information please visit the conference website: https://icais.uitm.edu.my/
For paper submission please visit: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICISCT2021/Submission/Index