IITU students watched the movie "Oyan, Kazak!"

MUIT students watched the movie "Oyan, Kazak!" about the Kazakh poet, writer, journalist, playwright and leader of the "Alash Horde" Mirzhakyp Dulatov as part of the subject "Cultural Studies". Today they share their impressions:

"This movie is a real work of art that invites us on a fascinating journey through the history and culture of Kazakhstan. You will find elements of adventure, drama and historical reconstruction, and, of course, inspirational moments.

Our team of students came together to watch this movie and the result was amazing. We were amazed by the skill of the director and actors who conveyed the depth of the story and the emotional intensity of the characters. Each scene seemed like a painterly painting that inspired us to think about important aspects of history and identity.

"Oyan, Kazak!" - is not just a movie, it is an experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the rich heritage of Kazakhstan. We recommend that everyone watch this movie to learn more about the culture and history of our country."

After the screening, the students had a round table discussion with cultural critic, assistant professor of the Department of Media Communication and History of Kazakhstan Tanabayeva Anar Saduakasovna where they shared historical facts about the life and activities of Myrzhakyp Dulatov.


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