Establishment of training and research centers and Courses development on Intelligent BigData Analysis in CA


15/10/2019 - 14/10/2022


Project aim:

The project is aimed at creating the opportunities in training of highly profiled specialists in the field of Intelligent Big Data Analysis (IBDA) with different multidisciplinary backgrounds and enabling the access to highly efficient modern IBDA instrumentation based on EU expertise and technologies which will contribute to sustainable development of educational institutions, local business enterprises and society at large.

Project objectives:

  • First specific objective on developing multidisciplinary package of the module based courses on IBDA for bachelor and master programs of the partner HEIs and for industry companies in CA by July, 2021 addresses problem of the lack of qualified specialists on innovative fields, specifically on IBDA, of CA partner countries’ economies. Support to solve this problem will be provided by the partner HEIs in result of implementation of developed courses on IBDA in curricula of current bachelor and master programs. The package courses being developed will contribute to the modernization of existing curricula by introducing new, innovative subjects on the IBDA. These courses will help to more flexibly meet the needs of the economy for qualified specialists and will strengthen collaboration between HEIs and industry.
  • Second specific objective on establishing IBDA Centres and academic and professional network of IBDA specialists of CA partner HEIs by October, 2020 addresses problem of insufficient awareness of public society and make decision authorities on innovative technologies, or more specifically, on IBDA. This network will promote both more effective cooperation between the consortium partners, and, after its expansion, further cooperation between Central Asia specialists in Big Data Analysis.

Elba Project magazine 2021

Project workshops and meetings

Project workgroup

Preventive monitoring of the project

Mag`n`IT 2022

Disclaimer: The project is co-financed by the European Commission. However the content of the website reflects the views only of the university, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there

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