Dissertation council

Composition of the Dissertation Council of “IITU” JSC

Regulations on the Dissertation Council of “IITU” JSC

Normative documents

Model regulations on the dissertation council

Rules for awarding degrees

Rules for the state registration of dissertations defended for the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD), doctor of the profile

Reports of the Dissertation Council of “IITU” JSC

Reports of the Dissertation Council of “IITU” JSC for 2019

Sample documents

Instruction for writing dissertation

Instructive letter

List of publications of the Committee for control of education and science of RK for publication of the results of scientific activities

Information about the dissertation defense



Dissertation council of “International Information Technology University” JSC on the specialties of
doctoral program / directions of study: 6D070300-Information systems, 6D070400-Computer science and

software engineering

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