About the IITU Career Center

"The Career Center" of the International University of Information Technology was established in 2012 with the aim of helping students in the employment issues.

The main areas of the IITU Career Center activities are the provision of professional internships, career and employment counseling, delivery of professional courses and trainings, and informing the students about the labor market opportunities.

"The Career Cente"r provides students with information about available vacancies, and the employers about potential young specialists. To date, a number of cooperation agreements and memoranda have been signed to provide our students with additional opportunities for practical training and employment. Direct cooperation with companies allows us to systematize and simplify the process of employment.

The mission of the "Career Center" is an individual approach to each student’s career planning and development, job seeking.

We cooperate with banks, IT companies, government agencies, manufacturing enterprises, etc. There are XX companies in our database.

The main forms of the Career Center activities:

  • Direct meetings with employers
  • Round tables
  • Testing (AO NIT, P&G, Banks, Altel, etc.)
  • Customized selection of candidates at the request of the employer
  • Conduct of master classes and workshops;
  • Organization of meetings with outstanding experts in the field;
  • Provision of trainings, for instance, the training “Effective Business Communications” (ending in an exam);
  • Students’ involvement in the events organized by SAP, Google, Microsoft, etc.;
  • Organization of regular job fairs jointly with the potential employers.
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