6B06113 Engineering Mathematics
The structure of the educational program
- mastering the methods of constructing mathematical models of physical, natural, production processes;
- application of algorithms and methods of computational mathematics;
- mastering the skills necessary for computer modeling;
- training in the development, creation and management of a database;
- developing the ability to program in high-level object-oriented languages;
- Create complex animated effects.
Specialized disciplines
- Numerical methods 2
- Mathematical methods for modeling physical processes
- Advanced numerical methods
- 3D Modeling and Design
- Methods for solving extreme problems
- Mathematical models of the energy saving problem of the underground pipeline
- Laplace transform in engineering problems
- Mathematical models of heat transfer in the multilayer region
- Modeling Incorrect Tasks
- Nonlinear extremal problems
Basic competency
- Ability to create mathematical models using methods of modern information technologies;
- The ability to simulate the problems of pollution of ecological systems and predict causal relationships in the ecological system;
- Ability to model energy tasks;
- Ability to build algorithms for solving problems;
- Ability to apply application programs to solve problems;
- Ability to build 3D visualization.
Leading positions
- software engineer in organizational and management organizations;
- Junior Researcher at research institutes;
- math model developer;
- Design organizations as a developer of mathematical and computer models, a mathematician-programmer;
- production and management organizations as a mathematician-programmer;
- analyst in a manufacturing company.